Are you 2018 goals vague dreams or do you have a plan? No, really.

At the moment, I have a vague dream.
Need to work on that.
It’s Sunday, January 7, 2018. Let’s see:
- Visiting family, all 13 of them, have now left town.
- School for my two boys starts tomorrow.
- We have a place to live (and are not planning on moving at least through high school).
- My former business is so gone I can’t even see it in my mind anymore. (Woo hoo!)
- There are no more excuses.
- There is no more yesterday.
- There isn’t even tomorrow.
- There is only today.
Yet I don’t have a solid, numbered list plan for 2018.
Off the top of my head:
- Write Charlie Holiday fiction.
- Write more in the Li & Lu series.
- Record Kite Hill and ESD for audio.
- Write a follow-up to Every Single Day (maybe ESD KIDS).
- Record ESD as a podcast and intersperse it with ESD guests.
- Find more partnerships (co-writing, co-promotion, list shares, etc.).
- Edit and publish (?) the romance book with my partner.
- Submit more guests posts.
- Get more speaking opportunities (podcasts, radio, video).
Hmm, what else?
That’s it. That’s off the top of my head. The top 5 are pretty solid. But when are they going to happen? What are the deadlines? What’s the process, the steps, the actual dates and timelines and tasks and checkboxes?
Yeah, I don’t have that.
Last year was very straightforward: publish Every Single Day by Oct. 17, 2017. That’s it. Done.
This year? Not so much.
How can I change that?
Deadlines. Dates. Goals.
I vaguely remember myself saying to myself in November that I’d have “something” published for Charlie Holiday in time for 20booksLondon on Feb 3.
It’s a start.
I can build on that. It’s a beginning point. That’s all I need. I can go from there.
So I’ve got that going for me.
What’s on your agenda for 2018?