Author Nation Las Vegas 2024 Day 2 Wrap-Up and Action Items

I just recorded some audio as a wrap-up and list of action items for myself.
I’m using Visla for the first time to convert audio to video. We’ll see how that goes! (I’ll do it later.)
Here’s the plain audio file uploaded:
Here’s the transcript:
Hey, ho, hey, this is a note to self.
I’m doing a little test here.
It is Tuesday in Las Vegas.
I’m on day two of the author, a Nation Live Vegas conference I’m in bed horizontal.
It’s been a long day and really wanted to take some notes about today.
And thought, oh, I get up my laptop and I type up some notes, but then I thought I’d rather speak it into my phone.
And then I want to play around with some transcription services to see if I can get this typed out, typed out.
Ho organize my notes in that way.
So here we go.
And I’m gonna set a little timer here for 10 minutes just because 10 minutes is kind of my thing.
And I don’t want to go longer than that.
So here we go.
Uh It is Tuesday.
And as I said, I’m in Vegas, that was, I guess for day two, day one was yesterday was the vendor day.
So I really want to just get into action statements before I get into sort of a lot of commentary.
My very first action statement would be this guy and to contact this guy, Andrew Davis, you say, think he says, I think keynote speaker is the title on his card.
And I got to say right here up front is that I know I’m at a writer’s conference.
I know I’m in nonfiction and I am such a minority here and I also am even further in the minority because I saw this guy speak and it is very clear to me, I want to do what that guy does.
wow, that is absolutely, you know, 100 and 10% clear to me, especially compared to all the other stuff, you know, I’ve been to writers conferences for five years and I have, I think, I, I think I’ve never been so excited to see a speaker and to sort of envy but aspire to someone who was on stage and who I thought did just such a fantastic job but not just, oh, what a great job but, oh, what a great job.
And I want to do that kind of work.
Whereas here we are with writers and, you know, publishing and making money and selling books and different platforms and all that stuff and that is all fantastic.
And I will absolutely continue doing that.
But I can just see, I can feel that the speaker path is really just where I need to be.
So that is abundantly clear for me and I’m really quite happy about that and, and frankly, quite excited about that.
So some action items on that point, I want to get back busy with the speaker lab, a sort of a subscription service or community.
I’m a part of that.
I don’t really do anything with.
I also want to get my, you know, sort of one minute speaker reel down, get a, get a three minute, get a five minute, whatever, get a variety of speaker reels, really get my speaker page down, sort of a speaker sales page, get that rolling.
And then frankly, I mean, I don’t know if I’m going to send it to this guy or whatever.
But he also, I think he has some speaking courses or masterminds or something like that.
So just see what he offers or see how he can help me or I can help him.
So, ok, that is Andrew Davis.
Pretty sure that’s his name.
I think the name of the company.
Uh I’m gonna forget it Mo Movement.
I forgot the name already.
I’ll, I’ll look it up.
Anyway, public speaker.
He also had this fantastic talk about.
In fact, I can move on to topic number two, which is his second talk today was his doppelganger, doppelganger doppelganger.
And that was how he has used a I to make sort of a bot version of himself that he spars with, that he collaborates with on his work, right?
And so that um helps him to, for example, make the pitch for this speaking gig, right?
And it writes like this little one page thing and he’s got it all nailed down and he was saying how he’s been writing these things for years.
And then it never really improved.
And now he used the bot and together with the bot, he made it better.
So it’s sort of like a custom.
I’m not sure how custom it is.
And he, he helped, he did talk about how that worked, but I don’t know if it’s more than just chat G BT.
And he talks a lot about how chat G BT mimics and learns.
And that’s sort of the interesting part of A I and how that can really help us to have a partner to move forward, have someone to always work with and an excited partner who’s always willing to help and all that.
So that was really good.
And I’m really looking forward to wa re watching that, that video again of that presentation.
So that is about the speaking thing, which is very interesting considering I’m at a writer’s conference and let’s see, what else comes to mind.
Book Vault. Book Vault.
It, it just, it just reminds me or reinforces the idea that I just absolutely love beautiful creations.
And so Book Vault just does a fantastic job of bespoke book covers and book printing and they do this whole sprayed edges where on the edges of the book it’s, it’s painted or sprayed or whatever and it can be a design or a color and it just looks wonderful and then how they have ribbons and they have the paper jacket, paper, dust jackets and they have foil.
And they have, I think it was raised letters.
I’m not sure now that I think about it, I would love to know if they have raised letters probably, I mean, if they can do foil, they can probably do raised letters.
So here I am a nonfiction author and I want to make these fantastic, gorgeous uh covers and I think I’m just gonna do it.
So I think I would like to do this.
And then, so action item number two is take those, those beautiful covers that I’m gonna need to create and then upload on to book vault and sell them on Pay Hip and sell them as premium books.
So they are bespoke.
They are custom, they are beautiful and they’re gonna cost more and I’m going to sell them direct through Pay, which would be delivered by book vault.
So rather than the typical, you know, you order through Amazon and Amazon delivers or you order through whatever Apple or Google or whatever or even Ingram Spark or Lulu, but rather with bald who just does a gorgeous job of these covers.
Then that sort of brings me to action.
Item number three which is Atticus att IC US and that is a vellum competitor and I quite like them.
They, I, I kind of want to do it.
I’m a huge fan of vellum.
I absolutely love vellum.
I will stick with vellum for sure.
But Atticus, I was thinking of buying it because one thing they are going to have in the future next year sometime is the collaboration element.
And that’s where I can have a co writer or I can have an editor or I can have a uh proofreader who can then have access to my book in its atticus form.
So in its beautiful form and make comments and I think make changes and stuff.
So I think for 100 and $47 I mean, I’m gonna probably spend more than that on dinner tonight.
So 100 and 47 bucks for a lifetime license to atticus I think is far worth it.
Especially my goodness.
Things are expensive here in Las Vegas.
So, wow. I mean, Liam just mentioned there was a Coors Light, not some fancy beer, a Coors Light at the bar for $16 right?
No, thank you very much.
In fact, that’s what he said.
No, thank you very much.
Ok, what else we got?
I’m at about um 08 minutes here.
I gotta wrap this up.
Let’s see what comes to mind.
Uh Speaking is number one Andrew Davis and then we have the 000 Here we go.
This is from last night.
Here’s an idea.
Wow, this is actually really cool.
And I’m really excited about this.
This is the, again I’m bringing, I’m bringing and Henri and go back to life and I’m going to put them into a train car.
And Bradley, the persona Bradley is going to be taking a train possibly from Northern Germany down to Southern France or something.
And he is going to unbeknownst to him, he’s going to be meeting his different sort of double gone.
He’s going to be meeting his mind in the form of.
He’s going to be meeting his heart in the form of Henri and he’s going to be meeting his, um, gut in the form of go yet.
He doesn’t know this and here’s the part that’s going to be fun.
I want to do sort of an audio drama, like a radio drama, old school, like radio theater in multiple voices of the German and the French and the Californian in the multiple voices.
And have it be sort of a radio skit or sketch.
And then what could be really interesting is there is another company?
Oh, I’m also forgetting the name, story content or something like that.
I have the card and they actually do where you can do multiple voices for a, um, multiple voices in audio in A I OK.
That’s it. I’m almost at 10 minutes, I think.
So, I’m gonna wrap this up uh several action items there and I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do a transcript of this and I will do a video, but mostly just for me and that’s it.
That’s it. From Tuesday, Las Vegas conference.
See you tomorrow.