Here’s What Happened when I Published 30 #YouTubeShorts in a #30daychallenge

#inspiration #motivation #youtubeshorts #youtubeshortschallenge #youtubesubscribers I did 30 YouTubeShorts in 30 Days.
— doubled my subscribers
— figured out which hashtags get more subscribers
— people love a challenge!
Here’s a post with screenshots: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQoG9AsB2yH6HmmnW1Ah5UQ/community?lb=UgkxS64yHdB7qctvV8j6wXXZU0swEOeBLBSE
Here’s the #iloveithere challenge that got lots of views: https://youtube.com/shorts/lxzuZrv7d68?feature=share.
What is ONE THING you love about where you live?
Here’s the audiobook bundle that got more views and sales: https://shop.repossible.com/b/3xbundle (big-time coupon in this video: https://youtu.be/TNvAJEt-YV4).
Those 30 days were SO MUCH FUN I’m going to … keep going. ๐
[ https://youtu.be/RiASygFBf4A ]