I found my new favorite ski run.
Hmm, I’m not sure I had a favorite before.
It’s on the Nevada side of the mountain and you have to get down a ways to find it and even then, you either have to find it accidentally or know where to look. It’s off the main runs, which is the first bonus, but it’s also my level of steep, not full of moguls, and almost empty of other people. It’s good and long and can be even longer if you also take Perimeter. When you get to the bottom you get to an old school two-seater lift that’s so slow and long that it must take a good 20 minutes to bring you back up to somewhere halfway up Nevada–the slower and longer the better seeing that I actually like the time in the lift at least as much as on the slopes. It’s even made of wood slats, haven’t seen one of those, well, ever.
My son, knowing that I’ll tell him at least once that I love being on the lift, especially slow ones so that we can talk and chat and enjoy, asked me, “So dad, what do you want to talk about?”
I thought about it a while, but then got back to him with what was on my mind, “How is the Kite Hill book going to end? It’s going to be available on Amazon on Tuesday.” We talked about that, and then still had 19 minutes to talk about other stuff and enjoy the slow ride through the desolate mountain wilderness.