The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain was a magician. He brought another world to life in front of your eyes.
You were right there with Tom and Becky in the cave. Scared to pieces of Injun Joe, envious of Tom’s cunning and wit, of Huck’s freedom. He brought these characters into your mind and into your imagination with the simplest but most powerful of words.
I find it so admirable that he uses just his powers of description, but again, uses such simplicity, to bring you so close. In other words, it’s not his study of some science or knowledge of a subject, but again, it is. It’s his understanding, his close connection with his subjects. He just knows them, has, of course, created them, so he knows how they think. How can he do this and make it seem so effortless? It’s just an art and he’s a master.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is possibly the best book ever written. OK, maybe the author said that.