Now I can smell Christmas, it’s almost here.

I can smell change in the air.
Just sent off my corporate taxes to my accountant. It’s one of my least favorite things to do. It’s one of those things where I forget that I have to do it–and I forget that I have to do it every year. Then I do it and it’s over. No big deal.

The Sweet Smell of Christmas
But the change in the air is that next year it will be a different process. Income will be different, from different sources. Costs will be different. Even currencies might be different. It won’t be the same and it’s exciting.
I smell change in the air because the pilot light of change has caught fire.
I smell the unknown ahead. Although I don’t know what it smells like–or do I? Can we recognize something we don’t know? Maybe that’s just what we notice: that we don’t know it. That’s enough to just know that we recognize that we don’t know what it is. That we expect the unexpected. It makes me smile. Lots of things make me smile lately. (Wow, I just wrote that, it just sort of came out. That’s pretty cool.)
The book referenced we’ve read every single Christmas since I was born. I even have a book that was given to me when I was 5. It’s held together with some brown tape and even that has got to be more than a decade old.
I do my taxes this year with the (unknown) knowing that next year at this time will be so different than right now and that, to me, is one of the most exciting things that there is.
I can smell change, it’s almost here. Can you smell change too?