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What do you really want for your birthday?

What do you really want for your birthday?

What I want for my birthday I already got.

I already got it.

I already got it.

I don’t think it breaks the spell if I say out loud what I want for my birthday. I want to hold hands with my boys on our way to school. We did that this morning. Check, done, accomplished, happiness.

I just got off the phone with a friend whose 7th grader was embarrassed that her parents (my friend) went to some award ceremony at school. My kids still hold hands with me while walking to school. That’s all I want in this world. I got it. I get it every morning.

If your wishes are simple, are they still as good? No, they’re better.

If my wishes (and if they were granted) were more complicated, bigger, grander, or just more something, would they be better? I don’t know. I have simple, pure, and unfiltered wishes that can come true. They were granted already by the gods above and the children below, this morning already.

I am blessed, happy, content, and fulfilled.

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