How I found the solution to life in a supermarket in Malaysia.

The answers are out there, you just need to keep your eyes open.
It gets even better because this isn’t only a solution to life, but a solution to a busy life. Just in case you were concerned that you might not have enough time to find the solution because you were busy, this solution is especially for you.
This an example of a Writing Prompt. In case you’re stuck writing, take a photo and write the story behind it. HINT: take a photo yourself that you find intriguing.
But even better is that it’s not just the solution, as if there were a one-size-fits-all solution to everyone’s busy life, but it’s a solution. In this way, it’s just one your many solutions to fix your broken life.

How I found the solution to life in a supermarket in Malaysia.
Part of the answer is traveling. Through travel, through discovery, through an open mind seeing how others in the world live, our eyes are widened and we see more. We see more colors, we see what we’re not used to so our eyes see what we might not usually see.
What’s most exciting to see is what we’re not expecting. It’s hard for us to see back home because not much is new. We walk the same route to school or sit in the same traffic.
We can even read words that might be organized in a slightly different way, just a slight variation on what’s normal for us. When we can see from that new angle, we can see from a different perspective and we can see what we didn’t used to see.
The answer is almost as clear as Dustin Hoffman in “The Graduate,” but even more accessible. Apparently, at least for South East Asians, solutions for a busy life is as simple as going to the frozen foods aisle.
Now you know.