Dogs greet each other by sniffing each other’s butts.

Are you using the language that your audience associates with?
If you’re writing for young boys and have no mention of farts, butts, aliens or even more about farts, you’re probably missing out on a large percentage of your potential readers.
But don’t neglect other audiences completely.
Keep in mind that adults might be reading along, reading out loud or even making the purchasing decisions. You can still use the language that attracts the fart-loving boys, but throw in some content that adults will enjoy—and be glad that their boys are (secretly) learning.Take the example of the photo in this article. It’s from a fantastic un-museum in Los Angeles called Xxxxxxxxxxx. Just the mention of “butt holes” is going to have my kids reading on—guaranteed. But then further along, it mentions pheromones and how some animals use scent to communicate different message to others. Just think of the discussion points you can begin with your kids.
”Oh man, can you imagine if humans could do this? Wouldn’t that be awesome? Imagine you’re in class and you really didn’t want to talk to anybody. Yo just let loose some chemicals and your neighbor knows you don’t want to talk to him and you don’t have to say anything! Wouldn’t that be cool!?”
“Dad, duh! We can already do that as humans. It’s called farting!”
Oh well. At least you got the conversation started and little does your 9-year old know that he’s talking about pheromones and—oops—learning something. But think of the conversations he’ll have at school! He could potentially even have an intelligent conversation with an adult if he can remember the word pheromones. But no guarantees.
So are you writing for your audience? Here’s a quick test: let them read it. See what they think. You’ll know real fast if they connect.
Keep in mind that this “museum” has, on a huge display, “ … they have anal scent glands on either side of their butt holes.” Ask a 9-year old if he needs anything more than the mere mention of “butt holes” in the text to lure him in.