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Above all, there’s clarity.

There’s passion, success, financial freedom, pleasure, goals, dreams, thoughts, actions, opinions, chatter, conversations and advice. There’s what other people think, there’s what you think. Then there’s what you do and what you say. How you speak and how you act. How you live, how you walk, how you are.

They’re all important. They’re all parts of the game, pieces of the puzzle. Each is individually its own element, but (and that’s a big but), they’re connected, they’re related. Each action causes a reaction. Each reaction causes another reaction or maybe a new action. But you can’t do one thing without another thing not happening. You also can’t say one thing and do another. You know how kids watch what you do and don’t listen to what you say?

How do you get to clarity? Passion, perspective, perseverance and patience will lead to power. Power willย raise you up to where you can see from a higher pedestal. That’s when you have clarity.

There’s working apart and we’re all individual. Just our selves alone, if our mind isn’t working along the same guidelines as the heart, isn’t moving with the actions of the body, isn’t in alignment with the words that come out of the mouth, then we’re as chaotic as the sounds of a junior high school band before the school year. In other words, a bunch of noise.

But when those instruments are tuned and those kids start playing together, the noise finds a rhythm and the sounds start to move together, with each other and each musician is raised (or lowered) by his or her neighbor.

Each action has a reaction. Make each one count.

The metronomes below are all out of sync. They are started at different times and with not necessarily the same force. But give them some time and they soon swing back and forth as one. Why does this happen? Does each one affect the other? How is that possible?

Can we follow our passion, live our dreams if part of our selves isn’t in alignment with the rest of our self? It’s back to the junior high school band.

What happens when we achieve that synchronicity, that coherence, that alignment? What if everything we are is focused on one goal? Let’s just play it safe and say that there’s a better chance of achieving, well, anything when all cylinders are firing, when we’re at full strength, full power, full focus.

Where are you and what’s holding your back?

  • Possible: fight
  • Impossible: give up
  • Repossible: allow


  1. Writing Every Day Beyond 1,000 Posts - […] Clarity (Jan 27) […]

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