So This is What It’s Like to Have Collaborators

You know what? We’re going to do exactly what you said.
I had this vision of how this might work, but I wasn’t sure it was going to actually work. I wanted this book (Li & Lu at Kite Hill) to be a collaborative effort with the boys. I thought they’d probably have a few ideas, but they’d probably be only about aliens and unicorns (in fact, they have suggested aliens and unicorns … ) but on the way to school on Thursday, my now-8-year old suggested that the next section of the book go in three directions: one for each character (me, him, brother).
I don’t know if Lu put together that I had read a few nights previous that the three characters were at three openings to three tunnels, but it makes now perfect sense to follow up with three different stories from the three characters’ perspectives. Fun! I never would have thought of that.

Aha, so this is what it’s like to work together with people.