You know that little cottage in the woods where you’re supposed to find creativity?

It’s where I am this week.
Let’s see if I have all of my ducks in a row:
- Quaint cottage in the woods,
- Laptop,
- Microphone (for dictation),
- Background music (if I want to drown out those birds chirping and the leaves rustling),
- Hot tea steaming (complete with wispy wavy tufts of steam),
- A real-wood fireplace and plenty of chopped wood,
- No dishes to do,
- Nowhere to go,
- Nothing to do,
- But write.
So now I can finally say:
Everything is perfect to write that novel!
I know, you’re waiting for a catch.
There is a catch.
Because there’s (almost) always a catch.
All I really need above?
Which one do you need? No, really, you only need a few of the above.
Here’s the nastiest secret of all: you don’t need them all.
Certainly not all at the same time.
But they’re sure nice.
My tea is getting cold.
The fire needs a little stoking.
My characters are begging to come onto the pages.
So I’ve gotta go.

You know that little cottage in the woods where you’re supposed to find creativity?