It’s fun to be number one (“Decide” at #1 in Motivational Self-Help on Amazon)

But the “spike” is not as important as the “slope.”
In the old days (you know, like three years ago), a good spike in ranking was mostly what it took to rocket your book to success. But now, a slow and steady growth strategy is the smarter way to go.
Don’t get me wrong, spikes are fun to experience (“We’re at #1!”, see below) and they can get your book up to the top of the charts and in front of the eyeballs of those who look at such charts, but now comes …
The Hard Part: the slow and steady growth.
The trick is that the spikes can help with the slow and steady. Getting to the top of the charts gives you the temporary ranking and gets you at least on the radar. From there, with more tactics and a long-term strategy, ย your opening point, your beginning marker, is higher.
From here, we can start that gradual ascent from a higher position to reach new heights–and stay there.
For example, what I need now are reviews.
So, I gotta get moving. That #1 spot is going to be short-lived. The real work comes with now sticking higher up in the rankings with consistent sales, advertising, and marketing–and reviews.
If you’re reading this and it’s still Nov. 1 or Nov. 2, “Decide” is free and I’d love an honest review.
Until next time, I can enjoy saying, “We’re Number One.”