Discovery Cube

My son read a nutrition label. Worth the price of admission.
Loads of informational (and graphic) panels about poop, scat, barf, farting and even a live presentation called something, “Gross Out.” My two boys, ages 9 and 11, said it was, “Way better than a normal museum.”
It was Discovery Cube in/near Los Angeles. We went on a whim with jet lagged kids and something to get us out of the house and into (and then out of again) the heat. We didn’t quite know what we were in for.
The longer we stayed, the more we realized it went deeper and deeper. Being from San Francisco, we’re spoiled with the Exploratorium. But the Exploratorium was the Cliff Notes to this place. There are more exhibits at the Exploratorium, but this one goes more in depth.
There’s an entire (fake) grocery store. You get a cart and a scanner. In the child seat of the cart is a screen that guides you around the store and asks you questions about what you’re going to buy. They sent us to the Meat & Fish department and asked, “Which packaging is both recyclable and reusable?” I got that one wrong as I chose the paper wrap around the big baguette sandwich. Uhhhgggh! It was the plastic container with the deli meat because you could recycle the plastic and then use the container for something else (marble collection?). The paper wasn’t reusable in their view. Hmm.
The whole second floor had a gross out, disgusting theme going on … and was a blast. Scary foods that people eat around the world (something about chopped and sautรฉed rats in France) as well as a sort of binoculars where you were supposed to identify the poop of animals (I got 2 out of 4 wrong, I need to go back).
Garbage sorting, water conservation, energy conservation exhibit that included a tablet strapped around your kid’s neck and he got to go around the (fake) house answering questions about energy conservation while earning badges. My boys couldn’t get enough.
They just opened a year ago and have a special for $10 admission for kids and adults. If you have curious kids (or even mind-dead, knuckle dragging zombies), bring them and see their imaginations and gross-out hormones explode. We finally left as they were closing.
Discovery Cube
11800 Foothill Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 91342