When you’re building a business, keep in mind how long it might take to dismantle it.

Then multiply by three.
I closed down my marketing agency over two years ago. I haven’t taken on new clients, I say no to anything remotely related to the work I had.
But I’m still not done with it.
Sure, it sounds nice: I have some residual passive income from website hosting clients. Yay! Party!
But no.
It’s a pain. It’s more work than it’s worth.
And I can’t get rid of it fast enough.
Yes, it’s technical. Yes, we’re dealing with past clients’ email and websites, transfers, migrations, DNS information and … are you bored yet? I am.
I’ll stop with the techno whining babble.
Starting a business? Think of how you’ll end it.
That’s my advice. I would have never guessed it would have taken this long.
Why do I care? Because I’m done with that part of my life and I want it all to go away.
You think you’re going to have this new business a long time, right? Great! Awesome!
Just do me (and yourself) a favor and plan its final days and try not to let it turn into years.