Eckhart Tolle Audio Collection

I had ten minutes to find an audiobook for a long car trip.ย Glad I was alone!

Now, you can enjoy hours of listening to this unique voice in contemporary spirituality with a gift-boxed collection of some of his most profound teachings.
It’s not a, uh, light reading page turner. You have to think, pay attention, try to understand where the guy is coming from. Many times I had the feeling that he was speaking English, but I’m just not sure what he was saying. I understood all of the words and if I put them together they make a sentence, but I’m still not sure I got it.
Eckhart Tolle’s Audio Collection is 7 hours of interviews with him as well as a few talks he gave to live audiences. My favorite parts were often the questions from the audience as they were more directed … and shorter. He got to the point more quickly, gave some “advice” or tips and moved along.
Ready to Celebrate at Any Moment
He talked about how “happy” a dog is. They could be there asleep on the floor but if you’re going out for a walk, they will jump up and be as happy as if they just won the doggie lottery. But they do it every single day. They don’t really have bad days, they don’t have bad moods. A friend told me just the other day if a dog loses a leg, it just walks on three.
Mr. Tolle talked about how he learned meditation. He learned while watching a cat watch a mouse hole. The patience of the cat, the singular focus and determination. That was all it took.
Talk to the Angel
He talked about kids and when is a good time to talk to them. Not after the tantrum or fight, but the next hour or day when they’re angels again, when they have the rationale to talk coherently and you can reference the devil child that was there the day before.
In all, it was interesting and I think I get The Power of Now, but I think I’ve been learning about that quite a bit through my Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction class and through meditation in general. Would I hear more from Mr. Tolle? I guess it would depend on the topic … and how long it was.