“Every Single Day” is available in paperback in the U.S. and Europe!

In Spain, the United States, Germany, UK, … but not in The Netherlands.
It’s here! It’s live! It’s alive!
I can’t believe how good it looks! Thank you, thank you Vellum, you’re a dream product.
As much of a digital guy that I am, there is still
But not in The Netherlands?
Hmm, what’s up with that?
Aha, it’s available for the Kindle, but not in paperback.
Amazon is a behemoth of a company. In the U.S., they have a huge majority of the online retailer (and bookseller) market. In the UK and Germany, they are popular, too. But some countries less so. Take the country where I live: The Netherlands. It’s available on Kindle, but not as a paperback. That’s because Amazon doesn’t yet have a physical distribution center in Holland. Yet.
Get yours today! They’re hot off the presses and they do look stunning! If you buy 4 of them, you can lay them on the grass and it’s practically artwork.
The Every Single Day paperback (and Amazon’s physical products) are in:
And on Kindle in:
- The Netherlands (yay!)
- India
and wherever fine books are sold, well, at least by Amazon.