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“Every Single Day” is available in paperback in the U.S. and Europe!

“Every Single Day” is available in paperback in the U.S. and Europe!

In Spain, the United States, Germany, UK, … but not in The Netherlands.

It’s here! It’s live! It’s alive!

I can’t believe how good it looks! Thank you, thank you Vellum, you’re a dream product.

As much of a digital guy that I am, there is still

But not in The Netherlands?

Hmm, what’s up with that?

Aha, it’s available for the Kindle, but not in paperback.

Amazon is a behemoth of a company. In the U.S., they have a huge majority of the online retailer (and bookseller) market. In the UK and Germany, they are popular, too. But some countries less so. Take the country where I live: The Netherlands. It’s available on Kindle, but not as a paperback. That’s because Amazon doesn’t yet have a physical distribution center in Holland. Yet.

Get yours today! They’re hot off the presses and they do look stunning! If you buy 4 of them, you can lay them on the grass and it’s practically artwork.

The Every Single Day paperback (and Amazon’s physical products) are in:

And on Kindle in:

and wherever fine books are sold, well, at least by Amazon.

"Every Single Day" is available in paperback in the U.S. and Europe!

“Every Single Day” is available in paperback in the U.S. and Europe!


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