Praise for Every Single Day

More often than not, others can see what you cannot.
Here is a collection of blurbs about the upcoming “Every Single Day” book that hopefully will give other potential readers clarity into what it’s about.
We all see from different perspectives. It’s important to take into consideration the viewpoint of others so that you too can see from their eyes. — BTC
Would you like a sneak peek sampler before the book is available to the public? Scroll down. Big blue button. Thank you!
- Need a light?
- Yes osmosis.
- Kinda easy, actually.
- Let’s keep it light.
- 10k hours … or less?
- Curiosity does more than kill cats.
- Facing the Mountain?
- Hard. But worthwhile.
- Metaphors galore!
- Asleep?
- Share the pain … then escape it.
- Ready to live?
- Only brush the teeth you want to keep.
- A Game Changer
- What’s in your attic?
- ” … the exuberant liberation … “
- painful emotional costs of deferring one’s dreams
- to help others get beyond their greatest obstacle: themselves
- Best $3 you’ll ever spend.
- Foreign emotions like pride, desire, joy and anticipation …
- I wish I had read his advice on how to focus one’s life fifty years ago.
- I love its efficiency and where it takes me
- Pearls galore for new ways to consider our lives, time in space.
- A ‘navigational’ tool of a ‘quantum’ order.
- Instruct, inspire, and entertain.
- Eliminate the Drift
- Love how easy it is to read. Many short, interesting ideas.
- A very earnest sharing by someone who has found his destiny and a way to achieve it.
- by far more helpful for many people than the science-based, dry-as-hell 400+pager
- Exemplary writing habits will change our success rate exponentially.
- read the book
- his book was just what I needed to get on the right path.
- I just want to thank you for your inspiration.
- I’m happier and more motivated than ever.
- His writing is humorous, friendly, and engaging. I have bought two copies – one for both of my adult children.
- His writing is humorous, friendly, and engaging. I have bought two copies – one for both of my adult children.
- This author has provided an excellent “how to” book, to move past procrastination, and getting past fear – teaching the reader how things made habitual can result in transformational success.
- There’s a spark within me that has been relit.
- How deeply this resonated within me.
- There’s a spark within me that has been relit.
- How deeply this resonated within me.
- I know ESD is the kindling I need to get the fire crackling and roaring.
- Deliciousness to my soul.
- So that today, you could influence my ESD.
- This book saved me.
- I was miserable with guilt and now I am not.
- I Am Happy
- Masquerading
- Got blurb?
Would you like a teaser sneak-peek into “Every Single Day”? I’d love to share it with you. All I ask is if you could send me a quote that I could use for my marketing (like on this page). Just click on the button below and you’ll be able to download the sample to your e-reader. Thank you!
Download the ESD Sample
Who doesn’t need motivation?
5.0 out of 5 stars Well written
ByBetty Yount on October 17, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
Who doesn’t need motivation? Maybe not this author, but I do! When that motivation is in plain terms and simple exercises, it’s makes even the biggest procrastinator motivated.

made a believer
5.0 out of 5 stars made a believer
Bymonkeybettyon October 16, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
i started this book with a bit of skepticism. but i have to say that i love all the points and i agree with the author. it is well written and easily to follow.

I would love to see this as a PBS special!
4.0 out of 5 stars I would love to see this as a PBS special!
ByLaura S Readingon October 15, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
Written in a conversational, light style, with plenty of views at his own situation and experiences, this is a motivating and inspiring conversation about having dreams. How can keeping the dream alive be both positive and negative?
Written in short, easy to finish chapters, or sections, this book takes you from dreaming to procrastinating to taking action to achieving your dreams!
Not a stuffy sort of talk on what could be a dry subject. I would love to see this as a PBS special!

I am not into non-fiction typically. this was different though.
5.0 out of 5 stars not my usual type of book but i loved it
ByTammy Conatseron October 12, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
When I requested an ARC of this book, I didn’t think it would be very interesting. Its not my usual book, I am not into non-fiction typically. this was different though. it helps you learn how to go after what you want and not give up on your dream. a lot more personal and deep than that, but that’s the basis of it. its very deep and emotional and teaches you a lot. a must have for everyone!

I am a major procrastinator. In fact, when I received an ARC of this book, I put off starting it…but once I did, I was hooked!
4 of 5 stars Very interesting!
ByShelly T.on October 12, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
I have a confession to make…I am a major procrastinator. In fact, when I received an ARC of this book, I put off starting it…but once I did, I was hooked! It’s so easy to make one small change a day, and this book really helps! I highly recommend it for anyone like me, who needs a little extra push sometimes!

Looking forward to the sequel.
5 of 5 stars Good tips
ByJMD0815on October 12, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
This was an interesting book with tips on how to make sure you are being successful and overcoming habits that may be stifling your potential to be the best you can be. I found the book helpful and well written. It confirmed that I am on the right track with certain things. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to try self-improvement. Looking forward to the sequel.

Interesting read, definitely agree with author tbat you should read in small doses instead of straight through.
3.0 out of 5 stars Read in small doses
ByKristine Layon October 11, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy. Interesting read, definitely agree with author tbat you should read in small doses instead of straight through. I liked how he kept it real and humorous at the beginning.

The author shows us how to get past our own road blocks and get started.
5.0 out of 5 stars Inspirational
ByXO2readon October 11, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
A new author to me and I am so happy I received this book. Every Single Day is such a positive and inspiring read. I believe it would be beneficial to any reader at any time in their life. The author encourages everyone to find a dream and not just dream it but do something constructive towards accomplishing those dreams. The author shows us how to get past our own road blocks and get started. I would highly recommend this book.

Will absolutely put some of these into practice!
5.0 out of 5 stars Good read
ByNicoleon October 11, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
Will absolutely put some of these into practice!

This is an excellent book that helps you go from procrastination to perseverance.
4.0 out of 5 stars Great title, worth a read
ByRaymond Weiandon October 11, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
This is an excellent book that helps you go from procrastination to perseverance. The chapters are well laid out with I’m abundance of information, directions, and support.
His writing style here flows well and is humorous. He knows how to keep you interested and teaches you the power of just a few minutes a day. Even though I didn’t personally gain much from the book, I still enjoyed the read and would recommend it to others looking to find that little push to get out of your comfort zone.

After reading ESD, I dedicate myself to its principles Every Single Day.
5.0 out of 5 stars Bradley Nails It!!!!
ByMark McKennaon March 29, 2018
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Before I read this book, I went through life like hit or miss. After reading ESD, I dedicate myself to its principles Every Single Day. Go read it and Repossible your life!!!!

Reading Every Single Day was like chatting with a friend.
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing Book
ByElizabeth Brown-Shookon May 13, 2018
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Reading Every Single Day was like chatting with a friend. Bradley and I have very similar senses of humor. I love how he ends each chapter with what’s possible, impossible, amd “repossible.” I journal somewhat daily…this book inspired me and lit a fire under me to try to break my daily journaling streak of 78 consecutive days.

His voice is marvalous!
4out of 5 stars Every Single Day
ByDeedraon July 29, 2018
Format: Audible Audiobook
I enjoyed listening to Bradley Charbonneau narrate his how to book for transforming your life.His voice is marvalous!His ideas are really good and I can see how they can help.I enjoyed his story of how he got where he is.I was given this book by the narrator,author or publisher free for an honest review.

Thanks for a great guide to a better me!
5.0 out of 5 stars Life Changing
ByCrime Junkieon September 14, 2018
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
This is an important self-help book that I’ve used to achieve my personal and professional goals. Thanks for a great guide to a better me!

Once the science behind it is explained it makes complete sense
5 out of 5 stars Very Helpful
ByVanessa A. Vaderon October 7, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
Great book. Once the science behind it is explained it makes complete sense how the information in this book is necessary for change. I have a lot of big changes I need to make in my life in the next year and will be using the information contained in this book to help me do so.

Everything is “repossible”.
5.0 out of 5 stars Repossible! This is the word that describes the mantra of this book.
Byamazon customeron October 8, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
I was prepared to not find this book helpful as most of this genre are not useful for me. I was pleasantly surprised! I was introduced to the word “repossible”. What a great word. Every Single Day has a simple premise that is practical and doable. The chapter on procrastination is excellent. The reasoning and physical feelings that accompany procrastination is spot on. This book is written in a very conversational matter with common sense suggestions and results. I will be referring back to this book many times as it is a manual in living your best life. Everything is “repossible”. I have been given a free copy of this book and am reviewing this book of my own free will.

I’m applying the steps in the book to help achieve my goals and dreams.
5.0 out of 5 stars Super Helpful
Byjamieon October 10, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
Very helpful! I’m applying the steps in the book to help achieve my goals and dreams.
I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.

But then there is ESD. Oh my goodness.
5.0 out of 5 stars My New Incredible Life Tool
ByJulie Pedersenon October 10, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
I was skeptical. I didn’t think a book could help to motivate me. Heck, I had purchased a different book and did not even finish it even though it had been a good one. But then there is ESD. Oh my goodness. This is exactly what I needed for my inspiration, motivation, and really living my life around my goals! This book presents new ways to frame ideas and how to go about making & achieving goals, living the life you want and deserve, and forming habits in a non-scary way. I can’t sign up for a ‘new habit in 100 days,’ but I can absolutely get behind the doing something each day method. I couldn’t put this down. The language & material are great for one to kind of fly through as desired. I actually read through it once, then have gone back to specific sections for re-reading & review. I am keeping this on my night table for easy access and as a reminder for the tools I’ve learned and how to build upon them. So many things I have wanted to do in life and this books has made me feel they are all possible. Not just for ‘I want to climb Mt Everest someday.’ This is for your everyday. For You. For whatever the smallest or largest thing in your life is, I can’t recommend this enough. Don’t think of it as a self-help book. Think of it as your right-hand tool as you go through the steps to accomplish any of your goals! Happy Reading!

I love his series of what’s possible, impossible and “repossible”
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book to get over the hump with
Bygirly gardenon October 10, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much reading a self-help book as much as I have with this one – and it’s in a good way not one of disbelief but actual humour, lol. I’ve read enough of the more serious self-help books to know that this one is different from a lot of the others; for one it’s more casual, with an easy-going but razor sharp conversational tone that just hits the spot. You’ll probably not like everything you read in here because Bradley is not afraid to call you on your own BS and whatever self-deceiving lies you tell yourself. Probably because he’s lived through lots of what you’re going through right now and has told himself many of the same things that I know I’ve told myself and you’ve probably told yourself as well… Pretty evident though that his straight talking comes from the heart though and from his own experiences of taking the first step and a step every day after that on the journey to achieving his own dreams.
He makes it easy to picture what my own dreams might be and packages everything in bite-size messages that are easy to follow along with and I love his series of what’s possible, impossible and “repossible” as he calls it in each of book chapters. I’m definitely going to be getting the hard copy of this book so I can mark it up as much as I like!

He knows how to keep you interested and teaches you the power of just a few minutes a day.
4.0 out of 5 stars Great title, worth a read
ByRaymond Weiandon October 11, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
This is an excellent book that helps you go from procrastination to perseverance. The chapters are well laid out with I’m abundance of information, directions, and support.
His writing style here flows well and is humorous. He knows how to keep you interested and teaches you the power of just a few minutes a day. Even though I didn’t personally gain much from the book, I still enjoyed the read and would recommend it to others looking to find that little push to get out of your comfort zone.
I voluntarily reviewed this book after receiving a complimentary copy.

Will absolutely put some of these into practice!
5.0 out of 5 stars Good read
ByNicoleon October 11, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
Will absolutely put some of these into practice!

The author shows us how to get past our own road blocks and get started.
- Inspirational
ByXO2readon October 11, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
A new author to me and I am so happy I received this book. Every Single Day is such a positive and inspiring read. I believe it would be beneficial to any reader at any time in their life. The author encourages everyone to find a dream and not just dream it but do something constructive towards accomplishing those dreams. The author shows us how to get past our own road blocks and get started. I would highly recommend this book. - DTMS (deliciousness to my soul)
5.0 out of 5 stars
By Peggy Christophersonon March 24, 2018
Somehow, I found myself devouring this today. It’s rare that I allow myself this indulgence as the list of what I need to be doing in my head is endless.I woke up to find a new follower on my Instagram… down the rabbit hole I went to try and discover why this person would follow me. I found words that resonated with me and the next thing I knew I was on Amazon to find out more about a book this follower had praised… but it wasn’t this book. Lo and behold this book was connected in an ad or suggestion of some sort… the rest is… well, yet to be seen.Deliciousness to my soul, is the description that comes to mind as I reflect on my experience of consuming this book. I have no idea how to write a review and put into words how deeply this resonated within me.There’s a spark within me that has been relit. I know ESD is the kindling I need to get the fire crackling and roaring… there are flames here that need to breathe and light the world.Thank you, Bradley Charbonneau, for accepting the challenge of ESD, so that today, you could influence my ESD. - This book saved me!
5.0 out of 5 stars
January 31, 2018
Before reading this book I was ashamed of myself. For years I had called myself an artist but I knew the truth. I was only masquerading as one. I earned my bachelors degree in fine art and I spent years working hard to earn the title of artist. At one time I did deserve the title. But could I continue to call myself an artist when I stopped making artwork? The answer is no. I am not entirely sure what happened to me from the time I was in college until now, eight years later. There was a shift that took place in my mind during that time. I developed a fear of making artwork. I would always make excuses as to why I just couldn’t create. I was too tired, the dog needed a bath, I needed to do dishes, What was the point of painting anyway because no one would want to buy or look at my work etc. I have spent many years working dead end jobs just to pay bills. I never even allowed myself a chance at having a career because I would give up at the slightest failure or rejection. The few times I did really try, I won awards at competitions. I now have a two-year-old son. I have used him as an excuse to not make art for the past two years. I feel guilty that I put so much blame on my son. I have never resented him and his need for my love and attention. I actually have more “free” time then I knew was possible with a two-year-old. It is way less then I had before he was born but it is still there ready for use. Taking care of him was just a convenient excuse that is easily believed by most people. After reading this book, there is no going back. I have no choice. I make artwork every day and I am happy. I have only been doing it for a week but, I know there is no going back. I was miserable with guilt and now I am not. I was afraid to create and now I happy to learn once more. When I started to draw again I was really rusty but I got through it. I find time even though I take care of my son all day and I babysit my nephew for eight and a half hours a day. I have about an hour and a half drive time back and forth between work. I wrote this review in the hope that I could inspire someone else to change their life. Take the Every Single Day challenge. Read this book it just might change your life. — Paige - Dr. Joseph S. Maresca
Amazon Reviewer HALL OF FAME
5.0 out of 5 stars
Interesting Reading For Newbies and Experienced Idea Generators!”Every Single Day…” by Charbonneau is an important motivational tool which inspires readers to dream about doing something considerable while taking simultaneous action to reach meritorious goals. The author shows us how to get past “analysis paralysis” to actually start projects and see them through until completion.A theme of this book is to dream about doing something until the dream itself is internalized along with the willingness to progress toward goal completion in iterative steps taken each day. Readers will learn the importance of getting past inertia in order to begin complex tasks and progress toward a completion date with certainty.Everyone who moves toward a meritorious goal must first start, stumble, reassess and move ahead with a refined approach toward reaching the goals set forth at the outset. Very few, if any, tasks are completed with zero failure points or stumbles. A strong point of the book is that the author sets up readers for roadblocks which must be overcome as part of the learning process. The book could be labeled alternatively as “what it takes to succeed”! - Occasionally humorous.
Frequently inspiring.
And in all ways valuable.
A great book for those contemplating embarking on a journey of change, improvement, and intentional growth. Charbonneau’s every man approach and aw-shucks humor delivers life-altering concepts and baby spoon servings. It isn’t until committing to reading a chapter or two a day that by the book’s end, you realized that you’ve already begun employing the principles. — Sabin Prentis - I just joined the ESD movement! I knew from chapter one that I would love this book! The author’s friendly style and sense of humor won me over immediately. The Every Single Day concept spoke to my heart and moved me along step by step. After years of trying to get in shape by walking a mile a day, failing to follow through, and adding one more defeat to my collection, I finally found the secret to reaching any my goals. Every Single Day. I can’t wait to try it for myself. I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s feeling bogged down in the struggle to reach their goals. — Ada Marie Cooper
- Making success possible
We already know that exemplary writing habits will change our success rate exponentially. This author reached the perpetual student, the broken heart of a mother, and the writer metaphorically, knocked face down in the dirt. I still had to spit out the mud and the grit, dust myself off and stand up. But it wasn’t fancy foot work or just a pep talk I got from this author. I got “tools”. I listened to the majority of this book on Kindle. That is what works for me sometimes. If you really want to change your writing and your life, I surprisingly recommended a book I almost didn’t read. What an I going to do next? Well, restart the book and I am going to be a card carrying ESD member-read the book. — copywriter_lady - Goodevening Mr Charbonneau, I am J_______ H______ from Guyana, South America. I just want to thank you for your inspiration. I am presently reading “Every Single Day” and I must say that this is the first book I have read that has me just glued to each word, sentence and chapter. I can relate to everything you say, so its like having a conversation with an old friend. Thank you. I have been inspired to go after my dreams and become a ESDer. Thank you. — direct via Facebook Messenger
- I want the road ahead of me to be filled with better time management and action
I am at a cross roads.. the road behind me was filled with procrastination and not getting things done.. I want the road ahead of me to be filled with better time management and action. This book was just what I needed to get on the right path. Without giving too much away.. I love the possible, impossible and REPOSSIBLE. — Julie Maddox - This book is a great start for anyone wanting to get off their butt and start working towards their dream. After reading it I’ve not only caught myself looking forward to writing everyday but find it hard to stop. My husband as even notice a change in my mood. I’m happier and more motivated than ever. — Felicia
- A very good “how-to” book for change, inspiration, and getting past procrastination
This author has provided an excellent “how to” book, to move past procrastination, and getting past fear – teaching the reader how things made habitual can result in transformational success. This book could be a really important read for the new, young person looking to “start” his life journey, or switch directions after a rocky start. His writing is humorous, friendly, and engaging. I have bought two copies – one for both of my adult children. — Robert Enzenauer - Procrastination: No. Act: Yes!
What better moment of the year to write a review on Every Single Day than ….New years eve! The book confirms that making plans and having resolutions doesn’t work, especially new years resolutions:) I guess I knew that already, but it’s good to have it repeated. Resolutions only seem to make you procrastinate more somehow. This book shows how to deal with all those steps in between plans, dreams and actually DOING something, acting upon those dreams and getting off your but. Bradley did all these things, he had dreams, he procrastinated and step by step, day by day, he finally came into action and started writing. I hope to read more from him in the future! — emed - “I love how you handle deep subjects in such a light-hearted way.” — Kay Bolden, Author
- It was a bit of an easy read for me as the overarching topic is behaivoral change – I do like the way you put it and I’m pretty sure it’s by far more helpful for many people than the science-based, dry-as-hell 400+pager you find in the book stores these days.Lived experience can be fantastic driver for helping others on the path of doing things they always wanted to do but never got started for whatever reason. But it can also be a “dead end” because you are always at risk that the lived experience is so individual that the reader can’t really follow the motivation and argumentation of the author. You manage this fine line incredibly well. — Dr. M.Z. (in the behavioral change medical field)
- Every Single Day is a way of life for me with my meditation “habit” … which was partly inspired by Bradley’s ESD writing habit! This book tells a story of one person’s struggle to keep his dream dead and buried. Yet, no matter how hard he tried the darned dream just wouldn’t stay in the ground! Saved by a friend’s challenge to do a 30 day experiment to write every single day, the author begins to claw his way out of the darkness encountering a multitude of unexpected side effects. Foreign emotions like pride, desire, joy and anticipation start happening because of one simple daily commitment.He calls it ESD, a simple prescription for transformation. I’ve seen much of that transformation and know that every single word he wrote in this book was written because he wants you to have what he now has!How he did it, why he did it, and steps for becoming an ESD’er too are written into this easy to read book. Best $3 you’ll ever spend! — Adwynna MacKenzie
- A passionate, warmhearted, inspirational book on how to follow your dreams. The author Bradley Charbonneau writes from his own experience, that’s what makes the book honest and motivational. Stop hiding, stop procrastinating, stop settle, and start doing, going for that dream. Act one day at a time, a little step Every Single Day. — Rosa Frei
- “Bradley shares the painful emotional costs of deferring one’s dreams and the exuberant liberation of moving beyond fear and procrastination one day at a time. He communicates his joy and relief to finally be doing what he’d avoided for so long and his sincere desire to share what he’s learned to help others get beyond their greatest obstacle: themselves. He doesn’t sugarcoat the effort, patience and sometimes inordinate persistence it can take to follow one’s dreams or the enormous personal rewards of being true to one’s best self.” — Susan Manning
- Loved this book. After reading first few chapters I decided to commit to writing something everyday for 30 days and publishing it as a blog. Found the benefits not limited to the idea of developing a habit and improving whatever it is you’ve chosen to do ‘every single day’ – The fact that you are achieving it does wonders for your sense of self worth and that’s worth so much. This is an easy book to read. You don’t get bogged down in details and it gives solid insights and encouragement in bite size chunks. — Simon, via Amazon
- If you have already achieved all your dreams in life (and who the hell are you?), Bradley Charbonneau’s new book, Every Single Day: A simple prescription for transformation, is not for you. But if you haven’t, and whether or not you are able to wrap your mind around the ESD adventure, there are concepts in this book that will move you in the right direction. That is, the direction of a more authentic “you.” Meanwhile, just read this book to laugh, because Bradley’s sense of humor is consistently entertaining. He lays his own life and dreams on a high table, at eye level, spreads out the pieces of it, and invites us to re-examine our own aspirations. — Elise Miller
- A Game Changer. “I’ll admit that I struggle to keep New Year’s resolutions a lot of the time. The few times that I have succeeded? It’s because I was consistent. That’s why I absolutely loved Every Single Day. Bradley Charbonneau shows you the power of doing something every single day and how it can totally transform your life. I felt empowered by his message, but loved that I didn’t have to be totally overwhelmed by the thought of committing a ton of time to that thing I’m doing every single day. Even a few minutes can make a big difference! I’m already following through on a goal I’ve set for myself, and I look forward to updating my review with the details of how Mr. Charbonneau’s message has helped me make a big change in my life.” — Dr. Beth Brombosz
- I am a big fan of Self-Help books. I have always been drawn to books on how to focus my goals and manage my time. The best of such books instruct, inspire, and entertain. Bradley Charbonneau’s EVERY SINGLE DAY is such a book. It is written with energy, conviction, and good sense. In a lively and readable style, Bradley’s book shows us how to eliminate the drift in our lives and become what we really want to be. It truly is “a prescription for transformation.” —Robert Archer
- Inspirational! Can’t wait to share! I loved Every Single Day! Bradley wrote it in such an easy to read, light hearted, yet thought provoking way. You feel inspired, and challenged to be the person you want, and are meant to become. I inspire people in my career to change their lives through health, and fitness. I work with people who cannot see past their current situation. Yet, they want to become more than who they are today. This book is a tool I will use to help reach my clients. And a Christmas present for some friends too! Thank you Bradley. Fantastic! — Tracy Gannaway
- “Bradley Charbonneau inspires me: some years ago, he decided to kick his excuses to the curb and pursue his writing dreams. He committed to writing every single day. He has written for more than 1,000 days now, he posts too, and the “every single day” has become a practical mantra worth repeating for anyone with dreams hidden in the attic, cellar or heart. He has gathered his best work in this wonderful, conversational book. Bradley writes the way he speaks, with warmth, passion and possibility. He is living proof that a little every single day takes you a long way. I look forward to having this book help me do That Thing, Every. Single. Day. What about you. What would you do, every single day, if you knew it would bring you up close with you dream?” — Amazon Reviewer
- Bradley is an inspiration and a leader. He reminds each of us that we too can become consistent and unstoppable. — Deanne Welsh
- Love how easy it is to read. Many short, interesting ideas. There’s no magic pill, we just need to put in the effort. Every. Single. Day. This book is a great help to do exactly that. We all have days when it’s hard to keep doing what we know is the best for us. And it’s so important to stick with it even when it’s hard. Great book! — Jonas S.
- I know Bradley for 30 years now, his book just reflects what a great, authentic human being he is, there is no “make up” in this, but a very earnest sharing by someone who has found his destiny and a way to achieve it, just fabulous the structure, gradual development, spirit, creativity, guidance, direct discourse and straight forward language. I truly enjoyed the “journey” from push back to the landing and just inhaled his work. — Bandaluse (via Amazon)
- The title of this book alone is worth a lot. If we really want to change something in our lives, we need to change something we do daily. This book explains beautifully why this is true and gives great advice on how to rock it. Definitely, recommend checking it out. It’s a short and easy read. — nils (via Amazon)
- I love its efficiency and where it takes me. “A crucial book for our ages in all respects! Compelling ideas and thought-provocation distilled to essense. Pearls galore for new ways to consider our lives, time in space. A ‘navigational’ tool of a ‘quantum’ order. I love its efficiency and where it takes me. This will put the jet under your heels! Be sure to pass this “prescription” around to share the ‘high’ in thought and deed that may follow! Thanks Mr. Charbonneau.” — Cathy Cohn, Nutritionist
- “It’s lively and practical. I wish I had read his advice on how to focus one’s life fifty years ago. Oh well, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life, as the cliché goes.” — Bob Archer, former high school English teacher
- “I have read the Possible, Impossible and Repossible chapter, like, 10 times. I am feeling pretty sure that’s it’s talking to me and it’s for me to figure it out. It feels like a clue, a hint, a hunt, a push to make a mental leap I have not yet made as a business owner. Okay. Done. For now. :-)” — K. Desmond
- An easy read with short chapters to keep you focused on what you learned. Bradley takes us through why and how to be productive. I don’t know about you but I usually have lots of excuses why I can’t find the time to do something. But Bradley has helped me overcome some of those and I am working on others.It’s a great read and after reading you will feel purposeful and ready to do the best you can.
Thanks Bradley for a great book. — Janis Cox - “So it’s 10k hours and the journey not the destination all wrapped into one.” — Jon Fox
- “Reading Bradley’s new book I came across the line: ‘If you are struggling to find your passion, think about what gives you energy.’ It just hit me, so clear so easy, typical for his writing. Bradley invites you to become (again) curious about yourself … ” — Hermann Baltes
- “Truly enjoyed the book, especially the conversational style. I have found considerable inspiration over the last few years to do things I’ve wanted to do but simply hadn’t gotten around to – for years and years. So much easier to not do things, right!?” — S. Stern
- ” … maybe just saying to myself “if not now, when?” Not sure, all I know is I put one foot in front of the other at staggered times and started doing a little something every single day toward all of those goals.”– S. Stern
- “Bradley has a way of pulling readers into a story that’s quite unique. His tale of writing every single day provides encouragement for writers who are facing the mountain, so to speak. It’s not an impossible feat, his book allows you to take the idea of writing every single day and turn it into a reality.” — Angela J. Ford
- I just got on the wrong side of 50 this past summer and in my experience, it’s *so* much more important what is done consistently rather than once in a while. Just the simple of act of a daily practice allows for compound improvements. To paraphrase Warren Buffet: “The two most important forces in the universe are love … and compound interest.” :-)By adopting a daily practice for (insert good habit here) just as the author has, then the result is daily improvement (even if doesn’t feel that way when you’re in the middle of it all). Just improve a bit, say 1%, then that compounds mightily and means you’ll double every 72 days. Building up small habits and incremental improvements results in gigantic results.I guess I learned that Rome wasn’t built in a day, but day by day. Bit by bit. Love this author and this book made and is making a huge impact on my life and the lives of my family, friends, and colleagues around me by osmosis. Thanks! — Richard Robinson, Entrepreneur in China
- “Here’s the story of a man who went from being discouraged to being (and I’m quoting here) a “full-of-energy awesome beast of an unstoppable, rocket-powered, fantastically talented creature.” It’s way inspiring. But even better, it’s instructive, because after reading Every Single Day you, too, will understand how to transform yourself into an awesome, unstoppable, fantastically talented creature. Spoiler alert: It’s actually not that hard to do.” — Laurie McAndish King, author, Your Crocodile has Arrived: More True Stories from a Curious Traveler
- “Bradley writes of what he knows. He has walked this path, the good and the bad. He never claims that hard things are not hard, but instead he builds a defendable case that they are worthwhile. And armed with the bruises and scars Bradley collected as he came to live his dream, he lights a path that you can choose to walk down to refine and achieve your own dormant dreams. I chose to pursue mine. I hope you will too.” — Ray Simon
- “His stubbornness, his consistency … he shares his pain and how he escapes it.” — Hermann Baltes
- “If you’re ready to live your dream (as compared with simply dreaming your dream), this book will help you do it. Charbonneau offers solid advice for everything from reimagining what’s possible to sidestepping procrastination, from a surprising new take on practice to learning how to force the flow state. He includes tips from a wide variety of wise–and productive–people including Yo-Yo Ma, T. S. Eliot, and Malcolm Forbes, as well as juicy sections on topics like “The Only Productivity Tip You’ll Ever Need” and “The $23,135 Recurring Passive Income Post.” — Laurie McAndish King, author, Your Crocodile has Arrived: More True Stories from a Curious Traveler
- “You woke something up in my system.” — Hermann Baltes
Instagram Love

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The chapter on procrastination is excellent.

Reading Every Single Day was like chatting with a friend.

I was skeptical.

I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much reading a self-help book as much as I have with this one