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What if your nonfiction book morphed into a fictional novel?

What if your nonfiction book morphed into a fictional novel?

What if there were a character who “lived” the Every Single Day story?

Would it be a sappy “feel good” made-for-TV movie book? Complete with happy family and smiling woman from a laundry commercial?

Or maybe it’d be a thriller:ย It’s 11:52 and Benedict hasn’t done his daily entry. What might happen at 12:01?

I know, the suspense is killing you.

But how might a nonfiction book turn into a fictional story? Might more people “get it” or understand the message? The fiction market is apparently tons larger than the nonfiction market, maybe there’s a chance that it would sell even more copies and thus spread your philosophical words of wisdom through story to an audience a nonfiction writer would drool over.

But what’s the story? What’s the hook? Who are the characters? How do they live the nonfiction in a novel? Thriller? Action? Ooh, how about horror?

I think I know what my next writing sprint needs to be …

What’s yours?

Every Single Day: The Novel

The romantic comedy.

Every Single Day: The Novel

The gory horror story.

Every Single Day: The Novel

The thriller.

Every Single Day: The Novel


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