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What are you NOT doing and WHY and HOW BIG is the thing that’s holding you back?

What are you NOT doing and WHY and HOW BIG is the thing that’s holding you back?

Two days in a row and Gay Larson is in my mind–and heart.

Yesterday, it had me pegged as he, in a simple drawing and a few words, described my (business?) brain (This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs.).

Today, he’s describing the Bradley Charbonneau of 2012 before I started writing Every Single Day (on the path to writing 2,808 days in a row without missing a single day–that’s 7+ years).

Here we are now twelve years later and I’m doing another 30-day writing challenge. I could ask myself:

  1. Why bother?
  2. What’s the point?
  3. Don’t you have enough creativity? Posts? Content?

I would come back to examples such as:

  1. Brushing my teeth
  2. Bicycling through Amsterdam
  3. Walking with Pepper in the woods

In the sense that no matter how often I do it, there’s usually something new, fresh, and/or inspiring.

Here’s another secret to the perseverance: I’m not doing it for you, I’m not doing it for the reader. I’m doing it for me.

It makes me happy to create.

It gives me meaning and purpose to create, to keep going, to discover new ideas, and work through them.

Did the jouster in the cartoon stop because of the eyelash? I don’t think so. I think he just took a moment to get it out of his eye.

Another lesson could be learned here: the size or power of the thing that’s stopping us is often disproportionate to the size of the thing we’re doing.

The eyelash put a pause to this jouster in full armor.

What’s holding you back?

Is it just a time out, a tiny break, or will it stop you in tracks forever?

There’s usually a choice.

It’s usually yours.


  1. Here We Go (Again) - Pass the Sour Cream - […] What are you NOT doing and WHY and HOW BIG is the thing that’s holding you back? July 23…

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