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Freepossible | Anatomy of a Free Book Promotion

Freepossible | Anatomy of a Free Book Promotion

The first book in the 11-book-series “Repossible” was free yesterday and today. Here’s how that went.

Quick steps taken.

  1. Sign up for a free promotion through a 3rd-party service. For this one, I used Freebooksy.
  2. Set your book to FREE ($0/€0) using Amazon KDP (you must be in Kindle Unlimited to set it to free–if you’re not in KU, you can manually set it to free but be careful, it takes a few steps). I like making it free for two days (the day of the promotion and the next day).

That’s it! Two steps.

You can, of course, set up other 3rd-party services but I like to use one to later compare apples to apples and see how Company XYZ did against Freebooksy.

The Numbers

Just for fun…let’s say:

  1. 1,500 downloads
  2. 500 don’t even open it
  3. 500 open it, read some, don’t like it
  4. 500 open it, read it, like it
  5. 50 love it
  6. 25 buy your next book–or books
  7. 10 buy all of your books
  8. 5 sign up for your course
  9. 3 go to your weekend workshop
  10. 1 hires you for 1-on-1 consulting

I spent $65 with Freebooksy. Am I guaranteed a return on investment? Of course not. But is the chance now better than if I didn’t have a book? You betcha.

Here are some results in screenshots.

Freepossible – Mid Day 1 — 643 downloads
Freepossible – Mid Day 1 – #639 in the Free Kindle Store

Note that the rankings are in the “Free Kindle Store.” This is basically a different “store” (or listing or ranking) than the Paid Kindle Store.

Freepossible – End of Day 1 – 1,509 books downloaded!

At this point, I’m thinking, “OK, I have a clear call to action in there, right?”

Freepossible – End of Day 1 – #76 in Free Kindle Store!

Wow, getting into the Top 100 means you get to the first two (and only…) pages of the rankings (you can see them here).

See below as to who my “neighbors” are in the free store. Lots of guys without shirts. πŸ˜‰

Freepossible – Help! I’m surrounded by love! (Well, and 6-pack abs…)

Day Two

Wow, I managed to get down to (or up to) #69 in the free store!

Freepossible — Woo hoo! Down to #69!

Here are some shots of where we’re #1 in different categories. Check out what the other books are to see who else is promoting what.


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