Is it possible that the power of a team is greater than that of a single star?

We weren’t supposed to win today.
But we did.
Last week, we got killed. We played as 5 individual players. Separate and not equal.
Today we played as a cohesive unit. Together. In flow. Seeing one another, watching, knowing, acknowledging, working.
5 so-so players this week outplayed 9 star players last week.
What happened?
We played together. As a single unit, as a group, as a team.
Spark Campfire
I’m working on my “write a book together with a kid” course. I could do it alone (with one kid), sure. In fact, I have.
But if we’re a group, if we’re going forward along parallel paths and working together, we’re stronger, it’s better, and, oops, it’s more fun.