This morning’s incident won’t hit any news. It’s too good.

Terrorist bombings, car break-ins and a breath of sweet morning.
I didn’t really even know I was looking at her, but there she was. I was turning around from my view of the bay, the clouds, the morning. Lost in my audio book, my world centered around the stories flowing through my imagination and if I missed a Pepper poop to pick up.
With terrorists blowing themselves up in places where I was just a few months ago and broken glass on the sidewalks of the streets I walk with my dog in the morning, the world doesn’t feel so safe at the moment.
But the rain was fresh and the air had that just cleaned out smell and my audio was fascinating to the point that I was smiling and nodding and happily oblivious to the world around me.
ย … happily oblivious to the world around me.
Further down from the hill, I turned my corner close to home when someone from behind shouted, “Hey!” A woman’s voice. Maybe I dropped something. She came closer and said, “I got a great photo of you back there.” She showed me her phone and it was in fact me.
“The whole colorful jacket and the reflection and the bay,” she continued on about her photo, excited to share. She texted it to me and said she’d share it on Instagram. Of course, I have only my 12-year old’s Instagram account on my phone, so I wasn’t a whole lot of help, but I knew my username because it’s my username for everything.
She trotted off on her merry way, but I let her know first that she made my day.
Because these events don’t hit the news. If she had shot me or robbed me or blew me up, that would have made the news. But she took a cool photo of me, caught up to me and shared the photo.
Why doesn’t good news make the news?
Is there just so much of it that it’s not newsworthy? Do we not secretly want to see the kind act just like we secretly want to see the car wreck?
I think it takes more effort to love, to be kind, to share, to give than to hate, to take, to kill. Those negatives are too “easy” because they’re from a level of desperation and sadness. But it takes effort to think of others and how something might please them. Do murderers think of how it’s going to affect the victim? The victim’s family?
But maybe it’s the same for kindness and love. Maybe those giving also just do it because that’s who they are. But the evil doers (I can’t believe I wrote evil doers … ), is that really just who they are? It can’t be. We’re not born evil. But are we born kind?
![Upside-down reflection taken with upside-down iPhone. [Tank Hill, San Francisco]](https://passthesourcream.com/wp-content/uploads/ptsc-759-neighbors.jpg)
Upside-down reflection taken with upside-down iPhone. [Tank Hill, San Francisco]