You’re a Great Dad

Someone actually said this to me. I should have recorded it.
Of course, this person doesn’t have kids … but that still counts, right? I told them that my boys and I were “writing a book together.” In quotes because we’ll see what really comes of it … although I’ve publicly challenged myself to publish it to the world on April 1, 2014.
Excuse me, dear non-parents, but most parents think they’re terrible parents or at very best, just mediocre. Kids, especially boys, aren’t big on compliments (unless it’s about a video game or sports … how’s that for stereotyping?) so you wouldn’t know from them. Of course, they’re great at telling you they hate you or you’re the worst person in the world (just use your imagination at what you think kids would never say … but do regularly!), but you don’t often get, “You’re a great dad.”
So I’m noting this for prosperity and for those days when I don’t exactly get those precise words from the boys.