Happy New Year! Here’s a gift for 2018: my book is free today and tomorrow!

It’s tradition to make New Year’s resolutions. It’s also tradition to break them by February. Want to buck the trend?
I’m not into short-term fixes and Band-Aid solutions. I thrive on consistent, powerful, and mind-blowing true change. Sound good?

Every Single Day: Daily Habits to Create Unstoppable Success, Achieve Goals Faster, and Unleash Your Extraordinary Potential
My book “Every Single Day” is free today and tomorrow (Dec. 31, 2017 and Jan. 1, 2018) for the Kindle on Amazon.
FREE Today!I’ve been pleased beyond my imagination with how the book is being received. Here’s a review I particularly liked:
Occasionally humorous.
Frequently inspiring.
And in all ways valuable.
A great book for those contemplating embarking on a journey of change, improvement, and intentional growth. Charbonneau’s every man approach and aw-shucks humor delivers life-altering concepts and baby spoon servings. It isn’t until committing to reading a chapter or two a day that by the book’s end, you realized that you’ve already begun employing the principles. — Sabin Prentis
This one was almost too much to handle as it’s the author’s dream: to truly connect with readers.
I just joined the ESD movement! I knew from chapter one that I would love this book! The author’s friendly style and sense of humor won me over immediately. The Every Single Day concept spoke to my heart and moved me along step by step. After years of trying to get in shape by walking a mile a day, failing to follow through, and adding one more defeat to my collection, I finally found the secret to reaching any my goals. Every Single Day. I can’t wait to try it for myself. I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s feeling bogged down in the struggle to reach their goals. — Ada Marie Cooper
Grab your copy while it’s free in celebration of the new year. It’s just today Dec. 31, 2017 and tomorrow Jan. 1, 2018.
May 2018 be YOUR year and may I have the privilege of shedding a sparkling light on your path.
With fireworks and pride,