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A Taste of Heaven on a Monday Night

A Taste of Heaven on a Monday Night

Indian, SpotIt!, Donald Duck … and mijn jongetjes.

I’m running 34 website projects at the same time, stuffy head/nose/throat this morning, no energy, and there are still multiple of who-knows-what on the floor of our living room that we need to deal with. We’re on overload. But we need to eat. We still can slow down, have some Chicken Chicken Masala at the local Indian place with the friendly guy who remembers us. We can play a card game at the table and read Donald Ducks.

I’m going to forget these moments, so I need to burn them into memory. I need to write them down.

These are my Lounge Chairs of Timeless Oblivion. If a lightning bolt came down from the skies and smoked us to smithereens, this would be a good time to do it–I’m doing what I love doing. The rest of my day (week? month?) has been rough, overworked, stressed, and tired, but this evening, just this hour, is a paradise just down the street. Where for $7.99 we can taste heaven and worry only about what’s on my SpotIt card and how I’m going to get rid of it before my 7-year old.

Tomorrow will bring enough work, enough stress, enough of … everything. Tonight we just needed a bit of something else. But you have to choose to make it happen, otherwise it’ll happen in spite of you.

Indian, SpotIt!, and Donald Duck

Indian, SpotIt!, and Donald Duck. I need to remember these little moments.

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