The ideal client is the one who listens to us.

They do their job and you do yours. Agreed?
It sometimes works out that way. It’s not nothing personal, in fact, it’s nothing personal. It’s just business. That’s exactly what it is: it’s business, it’s science, not an art, it’s number and objective. Not much discussion (or none) and get the job done right.
The ideal client is the one who listens to us. — agency CEO saying what he really thinks, off the record.
Wikipedia is a good example: everyone is the expert, everyone has an opinion and … what’s the final output? Or letting the decision be made by committee or the democratic process. You might very well end up with the lowest common denominator. Wikipedia even writes up the “Bicycle Shed Effect” using itself as the example of many authors to one goal.
Do you listen to your consultant? Do you try to do their job? Of course, a healthy dialogue and exchange of information is important, but let them do their job and you do yours. Agreed?