If you’re looking for signs, you’ll find them – or they will find you.

The more specific you are, the better. For example, I’m usually looking for a funny signs or plays on words or word, games or misspellings or misunderstandings or other languages that wrong or in a funny way.
I found two this morning, one right after the other, in the same shop, in the train station. The first one, I realize later you might think is a different word because that word to me means shower and the first word means fruit. So it’s a fruit. OK, maybe that’s weird in itself, but I really liked the idea of giving your fruit a shower. Frankly, it’s a very welcome service as you might buy one piece of fruit at this train station grocery store, but you would like to eat it immediately and have nowhere to wash it. Now you do. The sign took me a minute to really get what it was saying and frankly, I’m still not really sure what it’s getting at, but I think it’s really funny.
Of course, it must come from pump station because those are pumps and you are going to put the flavoring into your coffee. I’m wondering if they even know the verb pimp as in pimp your ride or trick out your car or make something better or improve on it or trick it out.
Not the verb, but the noun, pimp, had me laughing at the potential translation of this word.
I’ve been doing a YouTube short on a regular basis for more than a year now and it’s clear to me that you are working on a book or a project, the content will come to you. You have to be open for it and always willing to come, or medium or way it was meant to be.
Be open and let it download or descend or arrive into your mind or heart and go with it.
Quick tips;
Number one, be specific. The more specific you are, the easier it isfor it to find you. Number two be late about it, laugh about it, let the universe display its humor and let it laugh at you and with you.
Must be a sign.
Here are two quick YouTube Shorts about my signs today.
And this one is even crazier …