Feeling locked up? Tied down? The freedom of being keyless.

I love my new Schlage keyless lock that I can control with the Wink app!
How many keys do you have on your keychain?
Maybe you feel the power of ownership or that you have the key to open doors. Maybe you feel like the postman (or janitor or trash man) and you can open pretty much anything.
I now have the opposite freedom. I changed my front door lock to a keyless number pad lock. When I walk the boys to school, walk the dog to the park or even head downtown, I don’t have any keys with me. It’s one less thing in a guy’s pocket. In fact, it’s a 33% reduction in what was in my pockets (still have the phone and the wallet–although I can see the wallet being replaced by the phone at some point, too).
I have to admit that when I traveled the world with only a backpack, I felt a deep freedom because I didn’t have (or even own) any keys. I didn’t have a house, a car and our backpacks’ security was pretty much … not having anything worth stealing.
Now that I’m keyless, I’m finding a bonafide numbered list of benefits:
- Kids: they lose everything. Including keys. Now they only have to remember a number.
- Handyman: need to let someone in temporarily? Set a limited-time code for someone who’s going to be there just for the day.
- Pockets: the freedom of nothing in my pockets is weirdly liberating. I think I’m going to start a cult.
- AirBnB: this code for this weekend, that code for next weekend, the convenience is hard to fathom.
- App: want to change a code? Pull out your phone, create a new code, delete one, etc.
- Memory loss: who have we handed out keys to over the years? What about that cousin I don’t like anymore? Done with that.
- Extraneous baggage: what are all of those keys on your keychain anyway? Really, your mom’s house? How often do you use that one? Free yourself. Better yet, install a new lock at her house, too.
- Unknown: I’m sure more benefits will arrive.
For now, I’m keyless and have lost a pound of body weight.*
* OK, because I’m not dragging around a silly set of keys with a glass encased colorful dead bug keychain.