Make A Killing On Kindle

Michael Alvear has some non-traditional strategies for selling more Kindle books on Amazon.
Full title is, “Make A Killing On Kindle (Without Blogging, Facebook Or Twitter). The Guerilla Marketer’s Guide To Selling Ebooks On Amazon.”
Strategy and content aside, I’m pretty sure I haven’t laughed out loud with a book marketing book until this one. “

Make A Killing On Kindle
One point he hammers home is that only a small percentage of people even have a Kindle so why not focus your marketing efforts on people who actually have a Kindle: Amazon ebook shoppers. It’s a valid point.
From experience, when I sold my first books only on Amazon, people asked when the print version was coming out or if it was available on iBooks or Barnes & Noble. Just because I have (and love) a Kindle, doesn’t mean everyone does.
You can’t sell you Kindle ebook directly from your social media properties.
It’s also just plain LOL funny.
How many people want to curl up with their desktop and read a good book?
Even though people can, technically, read a book on their desktops or laptops, I’m pretty sure near no one does it. Kindle ownership is growing and if I am any indication, there will be diehard fans of digital books.
You will spend, years, years, building an audience of a few thousand people when you need hundreds of thousands to have any impact.
You can’t swing a cat without hitting a Kindle marketing article that tells you to use social media to promote your books.
This book is not about triumph of marketing over quality It’s about marketing quality .
Good stuff from Alvear. Read, learn, implement.