The Secret of Kite Hill audio is almost, almost live!

Minimum dB levels. Heads and tails. I’m an audiobook recording pro.
Well, almost.
Here’s the updated version of Chapter 8 “Lu Goes First: Aliens, Farting, and Pepper!” as read by Lu when he was only 8, now some long four years ago.
I’m now working with the terrifically helpful and patient Findaway Voices to get the audiobook of The Secret of Kite Hill into not just Amazon and Audible, but Apple’s Books, Google Play, Overdrive (U.S. libraries), and the best part: future audiobook distributors that I don’t even know about yet.
Two chapters in Kite Hill were, ahem, really poorly recorded. It just so happens that those are the ones that Li & Lu recorded. Wonder how that happened? Too loud, too soft, too many scratching noises, everything wrong. But hopes are high that the audio world accepts them with all of their faults and soon Li & Lu will be telling their tales to earphones near you.
I’m not afraid to forecast that I think audio is going to boom ahead of ebooks, print books, and pretty much anything other than video. Still, even video I can’t listen to while walking my dog in the woods or waiting in line at the post office … as if anyone actually goes to the post office anymore, but you get the idea.
There’s something about audio that brings me closer to the narrator or podcaster that I don’t even get with video. Whatever that is I’m going to be there on the forefront of the wave riding it all the way to the sand.

I couldn’t have done it without the team at Findaway Voices!
Here’s a screenshot of my Audacity file working on adding heads and tails (silence at the beginning and end of a chapter) and also trying to tone down those screaming kids of mine.

The Secret of Kite Hill Audiobook is (almost) live!