The End of an Era

My boys are 8 and 10. I’m just today selling their stroller.

My youngest is 8 years old. When was the last time he was in this? So why do I have it still?
There’s a problem in there somewhere. Isn’t there? Or is there?
We don’t even have that much space to store the stroller. Plus, the thing is huge, it tools up so much space for the past, uh, SIX YEARS in our storage room. We could have put bicycles there, garden tools, or, you know, things we actually need and use.
But no, it was sitting there annoying me for all of those years. Not weeks or months, but years. Almost a decade. So was it really bugging me? Maybe I secretly wanted another baby (sure, I kinda do, but not realistically). Maybe I just can’t let go, I don’t want my kids to go to college, I want them to snuggle and watch kid movies. OK, get a grip.
Let’s see how it does on Craigslist this weekend and how I feel about it.
[PS: I need a better title … ]