Want your work to be memorable? Don’t forget this.

I’m listening to Benjamin Hardy’s “Be Your Future Self Now.” Really enjoying the psychology of it all but after an hour or so of focused listening (I was driving for an hour so few distractions), I mainly remember the story of Jimmy and his rise to stardom as a YouTube star because he recorded several videos in the present moment for 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years (or something like that) into the future.
In other words, he projected what he thought (or hoped) his life (and YouTube stats) might be like in the future. Then, he went along on his merry way in the present and watched those future-forecasting videos later to see how things panned out.
So, what have I remembered from Mr. Hardy’s book?
The story about Jimmy.
What does that mean that you–or we–might do as authors to help our readers remember what we have to share?
Tell a story.