Know what’s expected of you? Do a little more. Just in case.

They know what they’re asking. You know what they’re asking. Do more.
My dog has a passport. For him to get to Germany, the “authority” at the vet said that he didn’t need the long form. She was absolutely sure and convinced us that she was right. But still, we’ve been down this path before and the final say in the matter is the customs official at the airport.
Who is the decision maker?
It doesn’t matter what you think or what the vet says. It matters what the official at the airport says. They’re the ones who let you through–or not.
What’s expected?
- Someone says this.
- Someone else says that.
- Make sure you cover all bases and exceed what anyone requires.
It’s also just a question of efficiency. If you do it right the first time, even if it takes you more time than you think you have, it will only take one time. Doing anything more than once takes more effort than doing that one thing right the first time.