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Nederlandse schrijvers: weten jullie dat Amazon naar Nederland komt? Wat betekent dat voor U?

Nederlandse schrijvers: weten jullie dat Amazon naar Nederland komt? Wat betekent dat voor U?

Ja, producten, films, andere TV series en … boeken. Amazon komt. Ben je klaar voor?

OK, genoeg Nederlands. Ik schakel terug naar Engels. Is goed?

As a writer in The Netherlands, I know Kobo,, a few audiobook services and of course the physical, brick and mortar bookstore.

Compared to the US or Germany, e-readers are a small part of the market. People don’t seem to use them much or even have that much interest in them.

But could it be that there just hasn’t been a good reason to go with e-readers?

Dear fellow Dutch writers, do you understand the power in the book markets that Amazon has in the US, the UK, and lots of the rest of the world? Sure, not everywhere, but those are some pretty large markets. First of all, are your books available on Amazon US? UK? Elsewhere?

I’m selling books in Germany, Spain, the UK, Australia, and of course mostly in the US. How? Simple: Amazon.

Let me just give you a quick example of what the book purchase process is like on Amazon. Yes, you need a Kindle e-reader or the free Kindle app for Apple or Android tablets.

Here are the steps once you have your reader and payment methods set up:

  1. Press “Buy Now”

That’s it. There’s only one step. Within seconds, the book is on your device. That’s it. No, I’m not kidding.

Now imagine your readers having that ease of purchase with your books?

Did things just get more interesting?

They should have.

There’s more to this breaking story and because I live here and because I’m both an avid Amazon user as well as an Amazon seller (my books), I’ll certainly be on top of the news.

Here’s a bit more about headway that Amazon is making into Holland. They’re talking about Amazon Prime mostly, which offers free shipping on products (even through doesn’t offer any! but Germany does and that works), access to movies and TV series, as well as, yep, books. Lots and lots of books.

  • Amazon naar Nederland: wat betekent dat nu echt? Business Insider Nederland “De Amerikaanse webgigant verlaagt nu in rap tempo de drempels voor Nederlandse shoppers, met de introductie van Amazon Prime als nieuwste wapenfeit. Maar hoe diepgeworteld is Amazon nou echt in ons land?”
  • Amazon Prime naar Nederland Metronieuws “Het Prime-abonnement van webwinkel Amazon is nu ook beschikbaar in Nederland. Met het abonnement kunnen klanten gebruikmaken van gratis bezorging binnen รฉรฉn dag, de videostreamingdienst van Amazon en de foto-opslagdienst.”
  • Amazon lanceert Prime in Nederland De Telegraaf “Opnieuw breidt Amazon zijn activiteiten in Nederland uit. Vanaf vandaag is Amazon Prime ook hier beschikbaar. De dienst is een belangrijke pijler onder het succes van de webgigant in andere landen.”

What does it all mean? Stay tuned.

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