If you have 827 things to focus on, which do you focus on?

I think that’s mathematically impossible to focus on 827 things.
It might be impossible to focus on 2 things.ย See:ย When everything is highlighted, nothing is highlighted.
There’s just too much to do. I know it, I free admit it. So what do you do? Do you just:
- Hunker down and begin where you begin?
- Formulate a strategic plan?
- Run for the hills?
- Have another glass of wine?
- Deal with it tomorrow?
- All of the above.
- None of the above.
Or is #6 the same as doing nothing? It’s odd. I have so much to do and yet I know I’ll get it done. I also know, maybe it’s even subconsciously, what’s important and I do get those things done. I will run (not walk) to the post office to make sure my passport application is mailed on the day it needs to be sent but I’ll be absently-mindedly forgetful about something probably equally as important–but apparently not as important on my own internal barometer.
I think the answer might be to just focus on one thing: the first thing. Get that one done and then move onto the next.