Please Don’t Pee on the Floor

This sign is funny to me, but I doubt the sign maker had me in mind as the audience.
So who is the audience then? Why is it so funny to me?
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that the audience is women who usually pee (among other things) into the hole-in-the-ground toilet more common in the east (e.g. China) than the west. It’s only funny to me because I don’t understand it, it comes from a different world than the one I inhabit.
Are they crazy? Are they old fashioned and yucky? Actually, peeing (etc.) into a hole in the ground is more sanitary than sitting on the lid of a toilet that thousands of others have sat on as well. With the hole in the ground, you don’t actually touch anything with your body. In fact, we saw a sign for a device that helps transform your unsanitary western toilet into a cleaner eastern toilet. It also emphasized how squatting is the more natural position for our bodies to be in to release and let our bowels loose.
Although it’s not palm trees and turquoise water, this too is travel.
![Please Don't Pee on the Floor [Kuching Airport, Borneo, Malaysia]](https://passthesourcream.com/wp-content/uploads/ptsc-874c-no-pee-please.jpg)
Please Don’t Pee on the Floor [Kuching Airport, Borneo, Malaysia]
![Please don't pee on the floor. [Kuching Airport, Borneo, Malaysia]](https://passthesourcream.com/wp-content/uploads/ptsc-874a-no-pee-please.jpg)
Please don’t pee on the floor. [Kuching Airport, Borneo, Malaysia]