Can you write about your 8-year old boy’s adventures and earn passive income, build a massive email list and ramp up your Twitter followers to 10,000+ in a weekend?
Well, yes, of course you can!
I write about completely idiotic stuff my 8-year old does (but it’s mostly so I don’t forget it and I can let him read it when he’s 38) and I do have passive income (looking to sign up for Google Apps?) and, well, I already forgot most of the rest of the title of this post. It’s just too long and I don’t have time to read such a long title. Who does!? I’m too busy with my 8-year old licking the handrail at international airports and paying for my entire water bill completely through my passive income earnings.
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But is it possible to write about your 8-year old (or any-year old) and do whatever else was listed in this post’s title? Of course. But you have to remember one thing: you have to answer the question: WIIFM.
If you can figure out What’s In It For Me (but not really me like Bradley me, but me the reader Me, do you follow?) and you can provide some sort of helpful advice or trick or tip or maybe a method to not have your own 8-year old lick the handrail at international airports, then you might be onto something.
Are you, by chance, also a chemist with access to a lab?
For example, since the handrail-licking incident, I’ve often wondered just how nasty those handrails are. What if, in your post about your son (because daughters probably don’t do that kind of disgusting stuff), you do a chemical analysis of handrails at several different international airports? What if you found that, for example, airport handrails on the west coast were way nastier than handrails on the east coast? You might even be able to sell that information to some airport cleaning conglomerate (I don’t even know how to spell conglomerate, I had to let spell check help) and they would then inform (read: blackmail) the west coast airports to hire their services. Maybe you organize a commission with the cleaning companies (is this illegal already?) and you move to the Bahamas, sit on the beach and … write about your 9-year old’s adventures.
Disclaimer: this is partly a ploy to get John Muldoon to bring Bad Blogging Advice back to life …
See, I have it all sorted out for you. In fact, I just outlined the entire business plan. I don’t know what I’m doing publishing this as a free-to-the-planet post here, I should package it up, find a cheesy stock photo book cover with stacks of 100-dollar bills and sell the ebook for $7.95. Or is it $7.97?
- Possible: write about your 8-year old
- Impossible: build massive passive income, grow your Twitter following … etc.
- Repossible: figure out WIIFM