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Wanna Go Nowhere? Go Alone. Wanna Go Everywhere? Go Together?

Wanna Go Nowhere? Go Alone. Wanna Go Everywhere? Go Together?

The holiday season is winding down here and I spent much of last week … alone.

I realize I’m an extrovert and that I need people but let me just be clear: I need people.

When I’m alone too long, I get down, I lose energy and confidence.

With people, I get new ideas, I’m inspired–and I inspire.

I can imagine it’s very different for everyone and I’m ALL ABOUT the alone time and meditation and going within, but for the most part, give me the people, please.

Yes, agreed, my title is way too harsh. But last week? Honestly? Was not fun.


  1. Here We Go (Again) - Pass the Sour Cream - […] Wanna Go Nowhere? Go Alone. Wanna Go Everywhere? Go Together? Aug 18 […]

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