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Play | The Subtitle

Play | The Subtitle

How to incorporate both the simplicity and the power of this book in a few lines? Here goes trying.

As book #10 in an (as of now…) 11-book series, we’re getting towards the end. Shouldn’t things bet getting harder? Heavier? More important?




It’s becoming more and more important that they’re not becoming harder or heavier. That’s just it. The goal is a lightness, an almost dreamlike state, a playful youthful way of going about life as if you were 7-years old and didn’t have a care in the world.

But we do have “cares in the world.” Can we still achieve a state of play if we have cares? Worries? Mortgages? To do lists?


Subtitle for Play

  1. Get off the bench, out of your mind, and into the game (what’s there now)
  2. What kids know that adults forgot.
  3. What kids know that adults forget.
  4. We can practice playing
  5. You just get it and you don’t go back
  6. It doesn’t all have to be so serious
  7. If you think life is difficult or you think life is playful, you’re right.
  8. If you believe life is difficult or you believe life is playful, you’re right.
  9. If you think life is a chore or you think life is a game, you’re right.
  10. If you think nothing is a miracle or you think everything is a miracle, you’re right
  11. The coach doesn’t say, “Get off the bench, into the game, and work.”
  12. We don’t tell young kids, “You need to work harder.”
  13. You never have to ask a kid to play more.
  14. “Young kids, you really need to take life more seriously.” No One Said Ever
  15. It’s Not Just for Kids Anymore
  16. Work at Play or Play at Work

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

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