It Doesn’t Seem Logical, But This Is The Hard Part: Receive

We can work, we can try.
We can do, we can create.
We can ask and we can …
All of those up until “receive” are what we’re used to: doing, making, creating, even asking.
But then we get to receiving.
Speaking from brutal, real, decades-long experience, receiving is the hard part.
OK, I should speak for myself.
How does receiving go for you?
When your answer arrives, when your proceeds, your profit, even your prophet, (ooh, like that? I couldn’t resist … ) arrives, can you receive it?
Do you surrender to it, allow it to be yours–allow it to be you?
Seems like the logical easy one, and if it is for you, great, you’re way ahead of me, but if not, “try” harder to receive.
You’ll thank me, no, you’ll thank you later–and forever more.