Maybe reincarnation isn’t so far off after all.

How else could a young child have so many “personalities”?

Could one of these people be the future soul of your second cousin? I know, far fetched.
I realize “kids are sponges” and all that, that they pick up on all sorts of things that we don’t, but how do personalities form? Where do they come from? Is it all influence from our environment? Is that it? Is that the only input?
But they just say stuff and make movement and actions that are just like nothing you’ve ever seen–in anyone you know. With friends and they said how my son is “an old soul” and I can’t disagree with them. He just says things that I don’t recognize. Sure, he’s not me. If you say something that you don’t recognize, you’d think, “Huh, that’s weird. Where’d that come from?” But someone who is not you had a different mind, a different _______ (fill in what you like: soul, spirit, etc.). So something you don’t recognize shouldn’t be all that shocking.
You think that you’ve spent pretty much every day of their lives together, you know everything about them. But what does that mean? Yes, you know them better than anyone, but does that mean than anything and everything that comes out of their mouths should be what you expect?
But what about the stuff that is just so far out there that you don’t even recognize the person. In a way, it’s exhilarating, exciting, and curious. In others, you wonder how well you know someone, how much of someone can you truly know. How much of someone is that someone and how much is, well, someone else?