
Make the impossible possible again.
Is it really impossible? Maybe it’s just not easily possible. What’s between the possible and the impossible? What is it going to take to make what you want possible again? Is it as simple as approaching the challenge from a different angle? Maybe it’s just some good old-fashioned hard work? Drive? Will? Desire? Knowledge? Skill? Direction? Maybe you don’t know yet. Maybe it used to be possible, but you just don’t know how to make it work anymore. But you’re willing to try. If you can take a fresh look at the road blocks, maybe you can transform them into detours–but get to your destination.
That’s re-engineering the impossible. We’re making impossible possible again. It’s called repossible.
Something was born today.
Where does the day-in-and-day-out work get you? What’s the reward for hitting the pavement, doing the grunt work, getting up early and staying up late? What comes out of it? Today, a future movement was born. It might be a company, it might be a product or a service or a workshop or a class. It might be nothing. It’s all possible. It’s been months in the making, endless discussions, not all terribly guided, but there were discussions–preferably and most effectively–in person. Emails, chats, Dropbox files, Google doc notes, scribbles, phone calls, text messages, paper napkins, Twitter mentions. It’s all there. This site (Pass the Sour Cream) you’re reading today was part of the work to get here. This site has been the sounding board for What’s Next and through it came the idea of “repossible” or re-thinking possible and impossible.
Earlier today, my mastermind partners (John Muldoon and Ray Simon) had our monthly in-person meeting where we went over our past month of progress, successes, failures, new ideas, new plans, and brutally honestly discussed them. As every month, we had an excellent meeting and we all left energized to tackle the planet. John and I continued onto lunch to keep the conversation going. On our agenda were our 2013 plans and at lunch, I wasn’t feeling the love from the waitress at our beloved Samovar and we debated just calling it a day or heading out for a walk. We ended up on the sunny steps of Union Square and listened to an elementary school sing beautiful African songs. I got out the pen and paper.
I dare say we named two new ventures today, but I’ll let John cover his own story. Scribbling away, we came to the essence of what I’m trying to do, which, as cheesy as it may sound, is helping people achieve what they’d like to achieve (while I have a great time doing it). I tend to live my life by not terribly paying attention to the rules of society and I like it that way. But then people say I do the impossible. It’s not of course, impossible, they just don’t have the tools to think they can do it. Often, when I explain in painstakingly boring detail, how I accomplished something, they often say, “Oh, was that all?” Yes, that was all. Keeping with my philosophies here on The Cream, it’s often usually a choice, and perspective and sacrifice. But I make the seemingly impossible possible. I like to rethink impossible, to re-examine it, put it in a different light. I want to make us think about re-impossible. But I don’t to re-invent impossible, I just want to re-think possible. The more we scribbled and talked, repossible was born.
Man, yesterday was fantastic. Sometimes, it’s completely clear when you’re having one of those big Genesis moments. Something new is born and it’s not like the other things you’ve birthed before. That’s a good thing. I’m really excited to see what’s next.
“Repossible.” Can I steal that word? It describes exactly where my mind has been traveling during the past several weeks, particularly this morning, in where I want my online/freelance writing career to go.
Great thoughts, thanks! ๐
Hi Emily. I’m beyond thrilled (and humbled) that you want to steal that word. We put quite some thought into it (as you read above) and it’s a real zinger of a word that I’m loving more everyday. As you say, it’s really defining where I am and where I’m going — as well as defining at least one path people can take to get where they want to go. It’s not impossible and it used to be possible maybe, so we’re going to make it repossible.
What does repossible mean to you? How would you define it?
Thanks again so much for stopping by.
I like to add that the impossible doesn’t even exist. This guy proved it.
Hey Julio,
Thanks for stopping by and sharing the link from Eliezer_Yudkowsky of Less Wrong (Shut Up and Do the Impossible). I especially like this, ” … always keep improvingโto do better than your previous failures, not just humbly confess them.”
But then it gets even better, “To try in ways other than what you have been trained to do, even if it means doing something different from what others are doing, and leaving your comfort zone.”
The more I read, the more I like, “Your goal is not to do better, to try desperately, or even to try extraordinarily. Your goal is to get out of the box.”
I see the article is part of a full series. Wow, lots to read and discover! Thanks again for this fantastic link.