The World Didn’t End

I get annoyed when my life doesn’t go as I’d like it to go. Sure, we can all say that, but I find that if you get annoyed enough, you’ll do something about it. Or, of course, you won’t, but today I’m focusing on doing something, taking action, to make change happen. Even bite-size change.
I noted the other day that I chose to work over go on a field trip with my son (Missing Out). The post was mostly guided towards finding a Virtual Assistant, but I started it because I did miss the field trip and I didn’t like that.
Because the Missing Out post was nagging at me, I signed up for the next field trip. The day of the field trip couldn’t have come on a busier day. Meetings, deadlines, client conferences, it wasn’t going to be a pretty day. But I did it. I had signed up and I needed to stick with that commitment. My son doesn’t pay the mortgage, my clients do. But if I’m going to be penniless, I’d rather be with my son than my clients. I’ll endure the wrath. I’ll come out scathed on the other side, but I’ll come out. I’ll take the risk, I’ll make the decision, I’ll choose my priorities.
Writing (or publish admission or documenting or whatever works for you) has been a catalyst of late to getting things done, to making things happen, to taking action. If I continue to take action, that’s changing my lifestyle. If I change my lifestyle, I change my life. If I can change my life, I change myself.
You can choose to change for the better or change for the worse–or not change. It’s up to you. Which do you choose to be? To do?
- Kids got a kick out of seeing other kids’ art in a “real” museum.
- Son’s Friend’s Artwork in the Museum!
- Warriors were impressive, huge, and “old as stone.”