Thinking about what you’re going to write and writing about what you’re thinking isn’t the same thing.

I’ve had a clear perspective on a topic all day, but haven’t had a minute to sit down and get it onto paper.
I’ve been thinking about it most of the day. It’s an excellent topic and I even have a video as help media to explain it even more clearly. But I haven’t had 5 seconds to sit down and get it onto paper.
The other way around often works better: sitting down to write about something I have no clarity on often turns that mush into clarity.
So what if you just can’t get to it? Do you forget it? Do you scribble notes onto a paper and try to get some of the main points down? Do you drop whatever you’re doing and just write it out?
Some sound like good answers, but you might also be saying, “Yeah, I can’t do that.”
I get it. I couldn’t do it today either. But I also see it with the “it deserves more attention and waking brain power than I can give it right now” so I should come back to it. If it’s important, it won’t go away. If you think you’ll forget, jot down some notes or record a few minutes of talking about into your phone.
Is thinking about writing and writing about thinking the same thing? Nope. But if you don’t have time to write about what you’re thinking then thinking about what you’re going to write is just going to have to do–for now.