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“At first, no one is good and that’s what practice is for.” And other words of wisdom from a 13-year old.

“At first, no one is good and that’s what practice is for.” And other words of wisdom from a 13-year old.

Passion, perservance and patience. These are not normal qualities in a 13-year old. Are they?

Gabriel Angelo started performing on the streets because he’d always wanted to be an entertainer. But it’s not that he can tap dance that’s so fascinating, it’s not that he can play the trumpet that’s so inspiring. It’s his bottomless spirit.

I know a lot of 13-year olds. This boy has the soul of someone at least 5 times his age. Here are snippets from the video interview.

It wasn’t a good sound [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][when he first tried the trumpet]. At first, no one is good and that’s what practice is for. Because now matter how good a person is, a person will always be able to look back and say, ‘I’m better than I was.’ They’ll always be able to say that. As long as they live. No one can be perfect.

The interviewer, Mark Sommer, asks, “The first time that you ever performed, were you scared?”

I wouldn’t say that I was scared because … stage fright is being afraid to mess up, but if a person does his best, there’s nothing to be afraid of because there’s nothing else they can do except your best.

Gabriel Angelo on Practice [San Francisco]

Gabriel Angelo on Practice [San Francisco]

Gabriel isn’t afraid because he’s doing his best and that’s all he can do, it’s all anyone can expect from him. As long as he gives it his best, there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s so incredibly simple and at the same time extremely powerful. How do you know when you’re giving it your best? Only you can know.

It’s always been about practice. Little by little, I would evolve more. The more I practiced, the more ideas I got for other things, the more inspiration I got.

Would he have received these other ideas if he hadn’t practiced? In my opinion, it’s doubtful. You need to do the work, you must put in the time to get to that next level. You can just jump into inspired thought or performance, you have to warm up, practice and experience it first.

Sommer asks, “Did you practice hours a day then?”

Yes. But the truth is, when a person does what they love, our work isn’t hard. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

This boy is 13.

What are my goals in life? Well, of course, professional entertainer. An actor, a model, an investor and fashion designer and a few other things.

“And a few other things.” With practice? He’ll get there. With practice, is the sky the limit?

  • Possible: hope
  • Impossible: succeed
  • Repossible: practice



    • Bradley

      Thanks, Rich! He’s great with Ellen. The kid is so adorable! I saw him near the Ferry Building here in San Francisco a few years ago. Let’s see, ingredients: passion, patience, persistence. Check!



  1. Writing Every Day Beyond 1,000 Posts - […] “At first, no one is good and that’s what practice is for.” And other words of wis… (Jan 28)…

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