This just in: Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow isn’t here yet.

There’s only today.
I have loads of things I want to do.
I have loads of things I have done.
But what am I doing today?
I haven’t been writing my fiction and I’m a little stuck with it. I’m looking forward (probably a little too much so) to this weekend’s writer’s conference in London (20 Books to 50k London) as if I’m waiting for that “golden ticket” to get moving with my next steps.
Of course, being the Every Single Day guy that I am, I know I shouldn’t need a crutch or a trigger or, well, anything to get started doing what I know I should be–and want to be–doing. Which is writing fiction.
The last time I was really rocking the keyboard was for NaNoWriMo in Rappotenstein, Austria. Together with 6 other authors, we wrote from sun up to sun down. Every Single Day. Now I have “life” in the way. Basketball practice, architect meeting, book marketing on my own library of books, studying math with my teenager. You know the drill.
But none of that stopped me before. What’s the difference?
The difference is I’m waiting for tomorrow for what needs to happen today.
On a personal preference note, I know that I’m a morning person. Or I can narrow that down a little more: I’m a creative morning person. I can stay up late with the best of them, just don’t ask me to use my (creative) brain past 3 pm.
The answer?
Get up earlier and block out absolutely everything that is not writing fiction.
Lock myself in a room if I have to.
Shut down the Internet if that’s what needs to happen.
Go to a conference in London where others are writing like mad and gather up some of that inspiration.
I can feel the bubble about to burst, the pot about to boil over, the pressure cooker ready to blow its top. I have it all in me, I just need to let it out. Charlie Holiday is trapped inside of my imagination and wants nothing more than to escape and tell his story.
It’s January 30, 2018. I’m pretty sure that February 1 is the new January 1 as far as New Year’s Resolutions.
It’s time to unleash the imagination.
It’s time to get down and dirty.
It’s time to tell stories.
What are you starting February 1?