You didn’t come to fix broken things, you came to create.

I don’t often re-listen to a YouTube video/audio. This one I listened to three times. Then I started taking notes.
1:45 If you have decided that you’re going to calibrate for what’s coming in the day and in the moment of the calibration, you’re taking pleasure. And then as the day unfolds, you’re taking more pleasure. So you just go from your calibration to the result of your calibration to calibration to the result of your calibration to calibration to the result of your calibration. In a while, you get into such a rhythm and you feel such profound blessedness that now you begin to live the way you intended when you decided to come here to begin with.
2:21 You didn’t come to fix broken things, you came to create. You’re like a creator in a studio with endless opportunities to gather the subject matter and the materials for the creation of anything … and why? Because it is pleasing to you. A creator must create and a creator who creates by default is not satisfied but a creator who creates deliberately is just endless joyous experience which is who you are.
4:34 It’s for the pleasure of it. We like to say, “Oh., the awesome power of non-resistant thought.” Because when you allow yourself calibrations to pure positive energy and there’s no resistance in your vibration, it is powerful. Because people who are watching you can’t figure it out. “How does that go so well for you? How does that happen?”
6:28 That was easy. We want you to understand that everything should be that easy. What you want should come right to you. You say, “Oh, it shouldn’t come because I wasn’t born into a wealthy family. Oh, it shouldn’t come I don’t have any inheritance. Oh, it shouldn’t come, I don’t have any strong skill set that I can sell for a lot of money.” And we say, “What, in this equation, causes you to pick out the bogus thought process that says, “I have to justify this thing I want through this and and this and this.” If there’s one thing we could help you do today, if you could stop feeling the need to justify the well-being that comes through the framework that others have assigned and you could just open your direct route between you and source and say, “I desire this.” And source is saying, “You deserve this.” Then all things that you want would flow to you with such ease.
7:54 You want continual confirmation of the blessedness that is you. That’s what you want. Continual confirmation of the worthiness that is you. But you got to calibrate to it.
9:56 You’re good, you have desires, source will guide you through the path of least resistance to it. And the most wonderful thing about that is you get to play, you get your hands in the clay. The artist who paints the painting has a way more delicious relationship with it than the person who goes to the store and buys it.
10:27 The person who creates the poem has a way deeper, richer relationship to than those who were entertained by it. You are creators. You’re not observers. You’re not regurgitators. You are creators.
10:54 You figure it all out because you have the resonance factor within you. You can feel when you’re resonant or calibrating to who you really are and you can feel when you’re not. It’s just that simple.