Uncut, director’s cut, 11-year old’s cut

Who loved the movie? Do you want to hear their perspective?
“Cool Runnings.” I think it’s several years old. I think it’s about the Jamaican bobsled team. OK, that’s all I know. We had a choice of 7 DVDs at the house across the street. 7 is better than unlimited. It was down to that or Sea Biscuit (which most of the kids had already seen).
After initial complaints, there were no more complaints. In fact, there were no complaints ever again and then we heard multiple reviews from several different perspectives. We heard play-by-play scenes, the funniest scenes, when one darling friend apparently couldn’t keep it in and kept laughing.
So it went. For half an hour, we let the kids tell their stories of the movie. Better than any uncut, producer’s cut, or any cut. It was their cut.

Forget the producer and the director. What does the 11-year old think?