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1,900 Posts in 1,900 Days

1,900 Posts in 1,900 Days

We have to stop meeting like this.

That was the first thing that came out of my mind. But my reality is: we don’t have to stop anything we’re doing, enjoying, and that is giving us energy.

Well, there are a few illegal acts that wouldn’t fall under this statement, I suppose.Β 

Every Single Day cover makeover.

Every Single Day cover makeover.

Since my last visit to this site at 1,800 posts, “Every Single Day” was published. I’m not sure I can measure, quantitatively, how much this has impacted my path.

I can now state clearly, openly, and with fanfare and fireworks, that I am the author of a book I am fiercely proud of. I talk about it with anyone who will listen. I push it, I pull it, I pawn it off onto people. I try not to be annoying about it, but it’s hard to hold in passion. Part of my book also preaches: why hold it in?

Let it out into the world and shout it from the rooftops.

What has happened since I’ve been shouting from the rooftops is that people have heard me. Even better, they feel compelled to contact me, to tell me their stories, to open up about their “Every Single Day” journeys or moments or adventures.

It’s not only that I’ve joined the Published Nonfiction Book Author Club, but I’ve joined the ESDers, the Every Single Day tribe who has passion, perseverance, patience, and finally play and are living their lives according to their own dreams.

Brandon Burchard's "High Performance Habits"

First read my book, then read this book.

I’m currently reading (or listening to, actually) Brandon Burchard’s “High Performance Habits” and it’s talking directly to me. What he calls High Performers is a clan of not-always-so-public folks who are unstoppable, passionate, and “successful.” Successful in quotes because the success is usually based on their own factors.

For example, I consider myself a raging, explosive, and screaming success (I’ve also shed my cloak of modesty). But someone might look at my (current) book sales and say that I’m doing well. “Well?” You have to put a tether on me so that I don’t fly out of the gravitation pull of the earth!

But that’s just it. At the point where I am, among a group of High Performers, I don’t actually terribly care what you think of me or my “success.” The odd part is that I actually do care about your success–and especially your own definition of it–and I’d be honored to help you get there.

You see, to reach the level of what Burchard calls High Performers, you evolve out of your own self. Your own ego and personal success is no longer your goal. You’ve probably achieved that long ago anyway.

No, now you’re onto bigger things. If I stick with the earth and gravity analogy, it’s as if we have long escaped the pull of little earth and are now looking at larger items like galaxies and solar systems.

Grit: passion and perseverance

If you want the science behind my book, read hers.

I hope my ESD readers can reach this level. I know there perseverance and patience are tough to overcome. It’s going to take some grit.

Not only am I still learning, I have an insatiable hunger for my knowledge. It’s not that I’m hungry, it’s all cotton candy, it’s all dessert, it’s all what I do when I have a free moment to myself: refill my creative well.

With every 100 posts that I document here, my resolve is stronger, I’m more secure in living my dream as opposed to dreaming my dream. I’m outspoken about dreams and passion and “How many lives do we have, anyway?” types of questions.

I apologize less. I’m secure in my shoes. I’m who I have always dreamed of becoming.

What are you going to be when you grow up? Oops, I’m grown up now. Am I what I wanted to be?

They are not always easy topics to breach–especially with those who have not yet taken the leap of faith that this requires. But they are important topics–dare I say the most important topics.

Brendan Burchard uses a term that I might not have understood a few years ago:

Bring the Joy

It’s one of those small jumbles of words that might not mean much to some people, but means everything to others. I couldn’t replace or improve on a word, make it shorter or longer to make it better.

Bring means that we have it, we own it, it’s now a part of us.

Joy is deeper than happiness, while at the same time lighter and rocket fueled raging fireworks of power.

What are you bringing? How long might it take you to bring the joy? If it took 1,900 days, would that be too long? What if it were only 190? What if there were a point when you didn’t care how many days it took because, as cliche as it sounds, the journey is the destination.

That’s the best part about all of this: I’m on the journey and it is the destination.

So if there is a place where I’m going, it’s where I already am.

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